today sucks

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I woke up to my phone ringing and I grabbed it and Brendens name popped up I answered it "get dressed and come down to train"  he says angry and hangs up uh rude I pick myself up and grab a black sports bra and some black mid thigh Biker shorts and get my training supplies and head to the gym.

I get there Adrian and Cole are in the ring Brendan nodes his head at me and continue lifting some big ass weights I walked into the gun range and put some plugs in and when to grab my favorite gun and went to my little pod and loaded my gun.

I got in position and shoot a 3 of the cardboard dummies multiple times I started reloading and I get tapped on the shoulder I turn around and see nate, I turn my ass right back around but he spins me so I can face him "What do you want" I finish reloading "I came to see you train" he looks at the cardboard dummies.

I turn around and shoot 3 dummies in the middle of the x's that I guess are supposed to be eyes and one in the crotch just for fun i turn back and blow the non existing smoke from the gun he looks at me and laughs.

"Not bad Hernández not bad" he says "ok bye or your my next target" I say slightly pointing the gun at him, he puts his hands up in defense and walks out to go somewhere.

After a while of shooting dummies I got bored and went into the gym and started with some punching dummies.

Nate watch from a distance and I did a high kick to the head of the dummy and mouthed to nate "your next" and I turned around and got back to it.

*About 3 hours later*

I haven't talked to either of my brothers in person today and the closest thing to that was when Brendan called me.

I went downstairs and there all sitting on the couch watching some basketball I walk in and kai carter and Brendan take a quick glance and look back to the game I sat on the couch next to Adrian and he didn't glance or move his eyes stayed glued to the TV.

We sat and watched Cole was on tye opposite side of the room and I saw him staring at my bruises and he balled his fist up I just looked up back at the TV the perks of overprotective brothers.

I go to the kitchen a grab a snack and cole comes in and grabs a drink he doesn't even acknowledge me and walks back to the living room, Is it really that serious that all of them have to ignore me they are actual dickheads.

I finish my food and go upstairs I see renae leaving her room "hey" she says "hey" i say nonchalantly " are they still not talking to you" she ask "yeah all I got were a few stares and that's it" opening my room door "your they're younger and older sister they can't ignore you forever" she says "yes they can" i say "but I don't think they will" she says about to go down the steps.

I sit on my bed and huff I grab my phone and airpods and play my Playlist, and lay down I eventually take them out and go to sleep.

This was short 587 ik it was boring but the next few chapters aren't gonna be like that I'll try my best. Have patience on me I'm still new I've adjusted to alot when it comes to spelling and typing

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