welcome to his house

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My bags were brought insides by some guy a really buff guy who was guard and nate instructed him to take my bags to his room "no no no my stuff is not staying in your room absolutely not" I say.

" ah ah ah remember rule number 3" he says "shit" I say "oh and watch you language my wife shouldn't use such foul words"he says "Well good thing I'm not your wife" I say " but you will be soon so I suggest you get rid of that habit" he says " take her stuff to MY room" he says looking at me asshole I think to myself.

Some guy who looks strangely similar to nate walks in "nate I got some infor- who is she" he looks at me up and down "this is Talia" nate says "ohhh do your supposed to get married to my dickhead of a brother" he says.

"Just cause your my brother doesn't mean I won't hesitate to slit your throat" nate says " jeez we'll finish this conversation later" he says about to walk away " where's mom, Lori, and lola?" Nate ask "I think they went out shopping but they should be back soon" he explaines " so you let them go out knowing the fangs are on our ass right now" he says with anger unleashing in his voice " relax they have the guards watching everywhere plus they said they are on the way home" he says defensively

"Alright" nate says "give Talia a quick tour of the house and show her my room first that's where she'll be staying at " he says.

"ok follow me" angelo says I follow him to nates room and its pretty nice his room is all black with a walking closet and a big bathroom and there are two sides of the closet and it looks like some womens clothes is on one side and his clothes on the other.

"My mom and sisters went shopping for clothes for you a few days ago" he says "ohhh" I say the he takes me out of the room and walks my around.

The house has 4 floors and an east and west wing its big but I memorized most of the place and by the time we got back downstairs.

Mrs King and two girls who look the same except the clothes they were wearing "this is Lori and this is lola and my mother who I believe you've met" angelo says.

"Omggg aren't you the girl who has to marry our mean Older brother" the one wearing brighter clothes said "oh I'm lola and this is lori" she says "ok but how am I supposed to tell you both apart" I ask giggling "well I like to wear nore lively clothes and she likes to wear dark and boring clothes" lola says "oh ok good to know" I say "I don't wear boring colors I just don't wanna look like a rainbow unicorn threw up on me" Lori says I let out a little giggle and angelo laughs as well.

"Enough girls" Mrs. king says "how are you hunny" she ask me " I'm ok could be better Mrs King what about you" I ask "oh please call me Kristen and im doing great, i know its alot to adjust to but you'll be just fine " she says

Right on cue nate walks in "so let me get th-" nate starts "ok before you bore us with a lecture let us put our bags away" Lola says, and with that lola and Lori walk away nate give them the most nastiest side eye I have ever seen. I let out a little snicker and he looks at me and I immediately stop and turn my face away trying to avoid eye contact

"So angelo what did you need to tell me?" Nate asks annoyed and starts walking of to his office, angelo follows right behind him

Kristen disappeared somewhere so I just sat on the couch and turned on the TV to find something to watch when Lori and lola came down and sat with me

"So where did tweetle dumb and tweetle dumber go" Lori ask " they went of to the office to handle some work or whatever" i tell her "ohh" she says

"Sooo tell us about yourself" lola ask
"Um I'm 17 soon to be 18 in a few months I enjoy working out, music and I love sleeping, and on that note don't ever wake me up by shaking me" I say

"Why" they both ask " because I have a punching habit" I say "noted" they both say.

We end up talking about a whole bunch of subject and about what they're like, Lori likes neutral and dark colors she's also the is bookmart with streetsmart and likes reading and she's more of an introvert she inlove with guns and knives really any kind of weapon to be honest.

While lola likes colorful bright colors she is basically all streetsmart she's and extrovert she likes weapons just not as much as Lori she also likes sleeping I think we'll all get along just fine.

As soon as I find happiness in the situation I'm in here comes nate he walks right up and scooches Lori over so he can sit between me and her.

The fucking audacity this man has is astronomical. I look over and Lori has the most confused pissed look on her face and she smacks him smack dab in the chest "oww" he say in a little baby voice and rubs his chest.

"Oh relax you big baby" lola says and laughs "do you guys know where mom is" nate ask "no" the twins say "alright I'll go look I need to talk to her anyway" he says as he gets up to walk away "finally" lola says "he's gone" Lori finishes Lola's sentence, so we just continue talking till It hits around 10-11

"I'm lowkey tired it been an interesting day so im going to head to sleep" I say yawning "yea im tired to" lola says "same" Lori says stretching we all walk upstairs and then walk to our rooms they rooms are right across from each other while nate is on the other side with a library across

I walk in without knocking big mistake nate is shirtless with an towel wrapped around his waist dangerously if I might add with his v-line and happy trail very visible. He hits me with the "like what you see" line I put on my best impression and said "meh I've see better".

I say walking to the bed to grab my bag and grabbed some nike pro shirts and a tank top fav combo.

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