what was rule number 1

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I woke up by a few knocks at the door "come in" i say in a sleepy voice "hey" lola says walking in "hi" " hey I heard what happend yesterday" she says closing the door

"ugh don't remind me it's to early" I say tossing around the bed " I know my brother is such an ass but trust me give him some time"she says "don't try to defend him he's an asshole, I know it, he knows it everyone knows it" I say sitting up "I'm not tryung to defend him I'm just trying to get you to see he likes you he just doesn't know how to express it" she says "no he an ass, end of story" "please trust me I have seen the little sparkle in his eyes when he looks at you" she says " ok but please never say that again" "wasn't planning on it" she says

" the point is he really does like you he just doesn't know how to express it" she says "and I know about the signing thing I know it wasn't your choice to get married but please consider staying I know it has its cons but we all love you and your like apart of our family" she says. "And I know it's not my place to be telling you all this but there are so many things you need to know about his past and its not gonna come easy".

"I honestly have enjoyed staying here and I've gotten closer to all of you but I still miss my family and my home I'm still thinking about it tho" I say getting up " yeah I just want you to take consideration of everthing before you make a decision " she says getting up and following me out the door " so where everbody, downstairs?" I ask.

"Yeah well mostly nate didn't come out of his office last night and I haven't seen him all morning i think he slept in the honestly but besides that everybody's down there eating breakfast" she says. Why didn't he leave the office whatever I don't care.

I hear multiple "good mornings" as I go down the stairs "morning" I say as I reach the bottom of the stairs "hey you ok we kinda heard a little arguing" Lori asks sitting right next to Dante I nod.

" so have you made you choice yet" Lori asks "girls give the girl some time" Kristen says and takes a sip of her coffee " ok ok sorry" lola says "anyway you wanna go shopping with us you know to help take your mind off of things and cause I want more clothes" lola asks "yeah sounds good" I say " anybody else" she asks " Uh yea I'll go" Lori says " what about you guys" lola asks " nah we got some stuff from nate to clean up" angelo says "yeah " Dante says "maybe next time" damon says

I get up to nates room and change into some black sweats and a red and white graphic tee and paired the outfit with the jordan 1 yin yang whites and grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

I start walking down the stairs and Christina starts walking down the staircase across,once we get to the living room Lori is on the couch waiting I plop down on the couch next to Lori and we wait for lola to come down after forever and a half she finally comes down "let's go people" she says heading for the front door "don't rush me as long as you took to get ready" Lori says " whatever" lola says "I'm driving" I say "ok sounds good" Christina says.

We get in my car and head to the mall. Once we get there we all split, me and Lori then Christina and lola which makes alot of since cause we have somewhat similar style. Me and lori head to a footlocker, and I a pair of grey fog dunks and she gets some high top air force 1 white. We go into some other stores. I had to dragged her into pink and Victoria secret.

Me and Lori ended up bumping into Christina and lola in forever 21 so we shopped together I went over to the corner to look at some cute shirts, but I suddenly got grabbed and a hand was put over my mouth and I starting squiggling around trying to get away, I was being dragged into a dark room I try to elbow him in his ribs after the as hard as I can and thankfully after the second try he let's go.

i quickly grab my gun and shoot him in the head then search him for any devices and weapons, I started patting him down and I found a phone and a gun and took it with me I touch around until I find a door to get out, I go back to the store and they aren't there.

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