the dresses

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I wake up to my phone ringing again and it's mom I answer it "morning love now get up and get dressed I called Kristen over do we could all go shopping from dresses and you could bond with the girls while were at it", "well good morning to you to mom and ok" I so hanging up the phone and pulling the blanket off of me.

"ughhh" I groan I go to the closet and pick out some black sweats a dark blue baggy-ish short sleeve shirt and my royal toe jordan 1s. It should be quick to slide on and off considering the fact we're gonna be trying on dresses lots of them.

I get ready and grab my stuff the make my way downstairs moms in the kitchen on her phone and Renae might still be getting ready and my idiotic brothers are probably still sleep. I go sit on the couch and wait until renae comes down eventually after 45 minutes  the door bell rings.

I go up and open the door Kristen, christina, lola and Lori are they we all hug and Kristen and my mom hug "renae this is lola and Lori, Lori and lola this is renae my little sister" I say pointing at each person " hi" she says nervously for what reason I don't know she walks around like shes the boss of everyone and anything anyway the twins say hi and we're out the door.

"The twins and renae ride with me" I say walking over to my charger daytona 392  "oh no she going to kill us all" renae says "oh you will be just fine" I say unlocking the doors lola says I call shot gun so she sits in the front and renae and Lori sits in the back.

Well fast forward they're talking about annoying brothers and I'm speeding while agreeing with everthing renae says about or dickhead brothers.

"oh and because of your brother and what he did my brothers are mad at me and him" "what did nate do" Lola ask in a concerned tone and a very concerned face "you didn't see my wrist are neck did you" I ask "no" I move my hair out the way and make sure I use the hand with bruised wrist " oh shit" lori says from the back.

I look in the mirror her eyes are wide as hell " im sorry his a real violent asshole sometimes" lola says "it's ok I just want my brothers to see that it's ok too" I explain after awhile of random talks about mafia, boys, and brothers until we get to the place. Kristen mom and Christina take a while to get there I guess they were going the speed limit.

When they finally get there "how did you get here before us" mom asks " I may or may not have been going 90 in a 70" I say " don't forget you sped 101 on the highway" renae adds "Renae why would you tell them that" I slap her in the arm "because it needed to be said" she says opening the door to the shop we walk in and all the dresses are gorgeous.

I look around and immediately a good few specific ones caught my eye one was red and one was a royal blue and of course one had to be black. Lola basically ran over to a light pink dress, Lori walked over to the black one and renae saw a cute white one that grabbed her attention.

After that they all scattered and disappeared of to explore the store I go over the blue one and it's long with a high slit and with glitter and  really cute I'm definitely considering that one.

I walk around and see the red one it's long with a slit and v neck but something about it was pulling me in red just makes a statement, I walk over to the black one and see Lori eyeballing it hard and lola was over near all the pink and pastel colored dresses I didn't know where the rest of them disappeared to.

*A whole ass hour and 1/2 later*

We finally picked out dresses and by we I mean everybody except lola. I picked the red dress, Lori picked the black one of course renae picked a very cute white one hopefully she doesn't fuck it up, christina picked a somewhat sparkly champagne dress it's mad cute and Kristen has a emerald dress and mom has burgendy long dress they're all long and have slits in them were all sitting waiting for lola " oh my gosh lola If you don't hurry up" Lori says "fine ok I'm gonna get this one" picking a mauve purple color dress.

We get the dresses taking care of and head to get some food.

We ended up getting sushi and we dropped the girls off and headed home.

We walk in the door and all the idiots are in the living room playing on carters new game system they look over and look back to the TV, we walk to our rooms and put the dresses in the closet.

I go back down and sit on the couch "heyy" "you guys can't be mad at me forever I'm your younger and older sister" I say "I'm sorry for not telling you guys" "and" Cole says not looking up from the game "and for trying to hide it" "and" Adrian says "and for lying about it" I say "it's ok just don't lie or try to hide it and just know we will always find out" Brendan says like a smart ass

"Ok but you guys cannot do anything or say anything to nate" I say "No promises but I guess we'll try"  carter says "alright enough with all that hand me a controller" i say.

Hours pass and we just play video games and eat pizza that was really it.

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