You knew?!

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I woke up by the sun shining brightly into the windows I just groan and I look over and nate isn't in bed oh well I lie there for a second trying to get my mind right. I Pick myself up take a shower and brush me teeth then i changed into a little throw on outfit some blue mid thigh jeans shorts and a fitted black tank top.

I go downstairs and see the twins and Kristen eating breakfast "mornin" I say as I sit at the table "morning" lola say stuffing her mouth with French toast I grab a plate and eat. Once I finish I head to nates office we need to talk I mean we need to discuss everthing there is alot of work you have to put into a wedding, I get to his office and lift my fist to knock but I immediately stop when I hear my dad's voice, wait why is he here, what's going on, what are they talking about all of these questions start circling my brain.

" -when we all had the meeting to discuss you and talia's marriage your father signed most of the papers but not all of them and one of the papers he hadn't signed was a very important one" I hear my father explaining "how important and what paper" I can hear confusion in nates voice " very important and the paper that states the marriage that you me talia and your father are supposed to sign" he explains as I put my ear to the door "ok so what's the problem if already signed most papers it's just a few more signatures nothing to bad" he says " well the paper states the marriage and without your fathers signature she has a choice whether she will marry you or not" my father explains "What" he snaps in a angery somewhat loud tone "does she know" he questions "no but she will, she has too" he says.

I full on leaning against the door and out of no where it swings open and I land on the wood floor "shit" I mutter to myself I look up to a pissy mood nate and my dad's giving me a 'your embarrassing me look' "ears ringing Ms.Hernández" nate asks me sounding like and absolute asshole "well since your already here and I'm pretty sure you heard everything" he walks over to his desk and sits down my dad is still sitting in one of the desks across from nate. I sit in the other seat next to my dad "well as I believe you heard" my dad says and shoots me a dirty look "you have a choice on whether you will marry nate because of a few unsigned papers" he explains I can hear it in his voice that he doesn't want this to happen but do I give a fuck, No.

I look over at nate, he is manspread and his jaw clench while his elbows and on the armrest and has his hands locked he looks handsome as hell, fucking snap out of it he's jackass, "so I have a complete choice to marry him and live here or go home and no marriage" I asks "yes" he says reluctantly "wait hold on nate you knew the whole fucking time" I say getting a bit angry "yes but I was gonna tell you... eventually but you know now" he says putting an awkward smile on his handsome face, I get up and walk out

I head to nate room and slam the door I sit on the bed as my thoughts stur in my head.

If I stay here then I have to get married to a bossy dickhead with bad mood swings and anger issues as well as no patience and I'm stuck with him forever. But I'll be with lola, Lori, angelo, Kristen, christina, damon, and Dante and be in a whole ass new mafia and have to deal with nates past demons, and on top of that a lot more other shit. But one the other hand if I go back home I'll be with my assholes, back home and back In my mafia no drama but we need both mafias to completely destroy the fangs.

The worse thing is he knew the whole damn time, that explains why he was like ok with it while I was furious. I mean I kinda care for nate a little like he's handsome and he has a fun, caring, sweet, funny side but refuses to show it.

I have so much to figure out I really do want to go back home but I feel like a piece of me will be stuck here I have had some good and bad times here but if I go home it will just be back to normal.

~A few hours later~

I've pretty much have caged myself in nates room the whole day I haven't talked to anyone since this morning and it's exactly 4pm and I woke up at 11 which reminds me I really need to stop sleeping in so late sometimes.

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