the training aftermath

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So as expected I walk out with nate following yelling at me and he does this all the way to the room which then he realizes I'm not listening at all and I have my headphones on he pins me to a wall and puts his hand on my throat "didn't I tell you not to talk to him or even be in his presence" he questions adding a grip to my throat "I didn't say a word to him and I only boxed him and won there was no hanging out involved" I say barely with any breath left he let's go and I start gasping for air and I drop to the floor and rub my neck with hope there will be no bruise.

I walk over to the closet and grab some clothes I just grabbed some black sweats with some nike pros and a grey tank top and some grey socks I go to the bathroom and take a shower and I do my self care to help me relax a bit I grab my clothes and get dressed just as soon as I finish putting my socks on I hear screams.

I rush downstairs to see nate and damon on the floor wrestling like animals while the twins try to pry nate of and Kristen and Christina try to pull damon away but also trying to make sure no one gets hurt in the process because of the boys exchanging punches, and angelo is sitting down recording.

"Angelo what are you doing do you not see what's going on" i say " I do and that's why I'm recording it" he laughs "shouldn't you be helping them" "nah they will be alright" he says chuckling I grab his ear and drag him over to help pry the guys of each other while they both exchange blows and are yelling insults at each other after a few minutes we finally get them separated and it was hard but we did it.

"What is all of this nonsense" I say standing in between the to idiots " he started it" they both say at the same time pointing at each other "you both are man children and whatever it is you both need to sort it out like grown adults and not just fight it out" I say to the both of them "and you" I point at angelo you should have been helping the girls get those to man children off of each other" I yell.

"lola can I stay in your room to night" I ask "absolutely n-" "shut it" I tell nate "yea sure" lola says "thank you so if you guys don't mind I'm packing my clothes for Tommorow".

I say as I'm about to turn around and walk away "where are you going" nate ask "home" I say "No" he says "nate shut up its her brothers birthday Tommorow" damon says "you shut up don't tell me to shut up" nate says "enough nate just stop I don't know what's going on with you but you need to stop it and the whole situation that you and damon has yall both need to fix it like the mature adults you are, well I hope you are" I say and walk away "she told you both" i hear Lori say as I head to the stairs

I go to nates room and pack my clothes and I hear a knock "who is it" i ask "nate" I hear  "don't come in" I say and continue packing.

"I said don't come in" I say not looking up "I know but it's kind of my room and my house so" he says "hey look I'm sorry you were right we were acting like children and we shouldn't have broke out in a fight like that also we should discuss and figure ot out like grown adults " he explaines "and" I say "and "I'm..I'm sorry" like he struggled saying it he's not used to saying that or anything close to that I think to myself.

"I except your apology" I say with a light smile he walks over and looks at my wrist and my neck "I'm also s s sorry for those to" he apologies "it's fine" I say with a little cold in my voice "I'm almost done packing" I tell him.

"Alright well I'm going to go grab some food and head to Lola's room" I say walking out "I'll be down soon" he says I go downstairs and Kristen and Christina are talking on the couch while the twins, damon and angelo are talking

"Sooo did he talk your ear off or give you a lecture" Lolo asks "no no he actually apologized and said I was right".

I say turning to the pantry "excuse me he did what" lola says with wide eyes I look around  and everybody is staring "he apologized why are yall so shocked" I say "because he never apologizes he rarely acknowledges his wrongs and never speaks on them again" she explains.

"Well that's not a shock I guess he just felt bad" I say grabbing some popcorn "sure he never feels bad I don't know what you did to him but I'm impressed" Lori says " I didn't didn't do anything" I say putting the popcorn in the microwave.

"Well speaking of apologizes I think I owe you guys one especially you" damon says "it's fine but nate took part in it to" Christina says "it's fine"i say "I mean your not the petty, stubborn, and arrogant bossy mafia Don" I say taking my popcorn out and opening the bag "I sure hope you aren't referring to me" nate says and walks over and grabs a handful  of popcorn "if the clown shoe fits go ahead and wear it" I say.

I walk over to the twins he comes over and grabs another handful, I smack him in his arm "oww" he says putting his hand on his arm "oh man up" i say turning to the twins "so what are you getting your brother for his birthday" lori asks "I already have it it's some shoes he's been wanting badly for the past few months" I say "well your not going anywhere without me so ill be dropping you off " he says and goes grabbing some popcorn but I smack his hand away.

"Well I'm getting up at 12 so be up at 12" I say "I'll wake up when I wanna wake up" he says "whatever anyway is anything interesting going on this week that I have to worry about" I ask I mean in the mafia there is always something to worry about or something is always going on.

"Um not for the next few days" Lori says "wrong the mafia ball is on Saturday" nate says " oh shit yea we got to go pick dresses" lola says " ok we will pick dresses together but on Friday I'm gonna go home so I can get ready with my mom and sister" I say "we Can get ready together me Lori mom and Christina will come over and get ready with so the guys have the house to themselves" Lola says getting excited.

"Yea but how do we know there not gonna get into another fight" I say "well there gonna be multiple men here besides those idiots Angelo's right hand man is gonna be here and along with a few men who work for nate so everything should be fine plus all their gonna do is get ready and get in the limo and pick us up and of to the ball we go" She says "ok sounds like a plan".

After a bit it hits 11 and we're all pretty tired so me and lola head to her room and go to sleep.

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