training with his mafia

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I wake up to a someone shaking me oh my gosh this feels like back home and like I have done a million times before I punch and then open my eyes I flutter my eyes until I can fully open them and I see angelo holding his stomach still standing up the " one question, why?" He says " I've done it to my brothers a million times you'll be just fine now what do you want" I ask getting out of bed.

"nate wants you in the gym training with him and some of members" he says still holding his stomach.

"Alright I'll be down in a bit lemme get dressed" I say walking over to my closet "alright see you in a bit" and with that he walks out.

I grab so black shorts they were a bit to short but it cover my butt so I didn't care and a black compression shirt and grabbed my black and white nike uptempo airs I went and grabbed my headphones and phone then I went downstairs to grab a water bottle the I headed over to the gym.

I went in and saw I lot of men in there boxing there were a few rings and punching bags along with alot of machines I saw Christina and the twins over by the squat rack and the bench press machine.

Christina was spotting Lori and lola was squatting but her form was all messed up so I walked over and I told her and gave her a demonstration and the weight was nice and heavy and she did it and her form was better but I showed her a few more times and she got it but I kept seeing in the mirror guys looking over but I looked back at them and they just went back to whatever they were doing.

After she finishes her reps she goes over to the leg press and Lori is on to the treadmill running track and Christina is on the pull up bar I go to the squat rack and put some weight on and I start to squat and the 6th rep my legs were giving out but angelo came behind me and helped me I thanked him and he took a bit of weight of and said "be careful because if something were to happen to you nate would kill us all" he chuckles and walks off to do his workout.

I do some more squats and nate comes in right behind me and stands there until I'm done with the rep I puff and say "what are you gonna complain about now" "go change" he says " no" I say turning my back to him he turns me around and says "every guy is staring at what's mine so i need you to go take them of and put something else on" "No I'm not an object and its fine they can stare I don't care I'm here for one thing and that is training" I say putting my headphones back on he takes them right off and lays them on my neck.

"You might not care but I do so go change" he says gritting his teeth "no I'm fine" with a smile knowing I'm pissing him of "you will change" he say "I won't".

We Start going back and forth with "I wills and I won'ts" until he flings me over his shoulder and drags my out and smacks my butt I keep smacking and kicking but it's no use because he drags me up to his room and puts me down next to the closet.

I just walk to the door and start walking out but he grabs me and pins me to the wall "you will go in there and change", he says "you know what I'm gonna change because I want to not because your ordering me to" I say and shove him ou of the way I walk to the bedroom and grab some mid thigh Biker shorts and put them on in the bathroom.

he is waiting right outside the bathroom "better?" I ask with an annoyed tone "much better" he says "now was it really that hard" he says just straight up being irritating "whatever" I say as we walk out the door and make our way back to the gym.

Once we get to the gym I'm met with all kinds of stares I just ignore them and put my headphones on and get to work after I'm done I  head over to one of the rings I've done boxing and mixed martial arts so this definitely caught my attention I watched as nate fought and he was good he was kicking some guys ass and angelo was on nate side of the ring and watching intensely

After the fight was over a few people walked away and nate left to go fresh n up or whatever  I went into the ring and angelo was getting in but got right out when he saw me "angelo me and you" I clapped my fist together he shook his head "absolutely not because if nate saw me in this ring boxing with you he would kill me and not think twice and I choose life" he says

"I'll box" a familiar voice says I look over it's damon he smirks at me and  he gets into the ring and one of his friends gets in on his side of the ring and angelo gets in on my side.

"I thought nate would kill you if you were in the ring with me" i say "I mean if I'm against you then yea but he'll kill damon first and maybe beat me so it won't be that bad" he chuckles I put on the gear and I look over and see damon ready with his gear on the twins and Christina come over to my side of the ring and start cheering me on the ref blows the whistle

we got up to the middle of the ring and he swong on me with force but I ducked it and punched him in his side the kidney area that's a good weak spot and he took a few steps back but threw a punch and it connected right across my face.

"Come on beautiful" he says bouncing I load up with punches and he starts punching back but I get him to the floor and ref calls it I go to my corner and angelo is talking stuff but I'm focused on damon he throws a wink at me and turns to his friends who coaching him. The girls a cheering me and angelo takes my mouth piece out and he gives me some water and he puts my mouth piece back in and i get ready for the next round.

The ref calls it and were back punching again and this time he swinging with a lot more force and he's punching and I get backed into a corner I put my gloves up blocking the punches and ref calls it we go to our corners and angelo is talking "1 to 1 so one more" I stop listening when nate walks into the room we make eye contact for a split second but we get ready for the next round.

Ref calls it and this time I'm letting it out I immediately throw a punch across his face and it instantly connects and I keep going he gets a few in and I get him backed I the same corner he backed me in and I keep punches until the ref calls it angelo and the girls are cheering louder than everybody else I look over to see nate giving me his resting bitch face look and damon comes over and good games me and hugs me I hug him back and we take the gear of and everyone desends of to the showers or back to their workout.

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