monday already

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I wake up to Cole jumping on my bed like a 6 year old waking they're parents up on Christmas day I flutter my eyes open "Dude what are you doing" I ask rubbing my eyes still adjusting to the sunlight "get uuuppp" he says plopping on my bed "no get out" I say pulling the cover over my face he takes it of " wake up its like 12 and you have a guest downstairs" he says and rolls his eyes then gets out of my bed "fine fine just get out" I say it takes so much energy just to get out of bed, I wonder who's down there.

I wake myself fully up and wash up I go downstairs to my suprise the hot asshole is sitting down talking with my parents "oh look who's awake" nate says "shut up" I say grabbing some fruit "looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he says making a face" my mom giggles "hey hun how are you" I see Kristen walking in "hi and tired very tired but what are you guys doing here" "oh did you forget your supposed to be moving in with me today" he says with his stupidly hot smirk "I clearly did" I say.

"Talia attitude" my dad says I huff "whatever im not packed at all so go home and don't come back" i say with an attitude "honey why don't you go pack and we continue talking" mom says " of course more conversations behind my back" I walk off.

I mean they talk without me all the time so fuck it, I go up the stairs and get my siblings and ask them to help me pack.

So me and Renae are packing the clothes and the boys are helping with the shoes and my my room decor and I also pack my hygiene things, after hours of packing, laughing and talking it hits 8 we've been packing all day and my siblings keep complaining about how I'm leaving them and how much stuff i have including my shoes and shoe boxes, nate has came in my room like every 30 minutes until he left and rushed us and we just throw stuff at him and yell at him to get out and then laugh and we've been blasting music and arguing about who's turn and what music even tho it's my room and my TV and speakers. Idiots anyway most of everthing is packed and some things for tommorow to be packed.

We go down to eat dinner "so are you all pack lia" my mom asks she calls my that sometimes you know names moms gives you just cause "yeah mostly" "tommorow at 1 nate is going to be here again he was supposed to take you today" my dad says " well I packed now so it's fine and why do I have to go live with him now it still have like 3 months until I turn 18 " I explain "because you still have to get to know him your marring him after all" he says "yea unwillingly" I mumble it goes silent and stays like that until dinners over.

I go to my room and pack some other little things and listen music after a while i look and its 11 but all my bags and suitcases are next to the door so I'm officially packed. I starfish across my bed this is the last night I will be in my own room with these assholes I call family and this house I grew up in and all memories it holds dang, ima miss this place and our gang I basically joining another mafia and stuck with them till I die and worse I'm stuck with Mr.king till I die I swirl in my thoughts until my door opens and a pile of annoying siblings jump on my bed.

"And what are yall doing" I ask " we've all agreed sleepover in your room you know cause its your last night here" Cole answers "by we all you mean yall cause I wasn't informed" I saw sitting up "yep" renaes answer's " ok let's binge watch movies and go get some snacks and drinks meet back in my room in 5" i say they nod then we scatter and go get food and drinks I grabbed cookies and Gatorade I figure we gonna pull a all nighter, after 5 we meet back in my room and they have a stacks of snacks and drinks along with blankets pillows and bean bags everywhere, alot can happen in five minutes wow and we watch some of the fast and furious movies.

We watch didnt watch evrryone of them in order but in-between the movies we took bathroom breaks and kept moving around and fighting over the snacks and drinks after awhile we slowly fall asleep at like 5:30 am

Just another short one she's got sibling bonds I wish I had anyway if yall have any feedback or any advice to improve my writing totally let me know I'd love it.

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