the prepping

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I wake up to someone poking me I open my eyes and I'm in the living room some of my brothers are asleep and I'm lying on adrains shoulder and he's poking me "wake up sleepy head" he says still poking me "uh what time is it" "3:36" "oh shit" I jump up and run upstairs while still half way awake.

"why would yall let me sleep so late I have to get ready" I say " oh you have just enough time" he says getting up "easy from you to say all you have to do is throw on a suit" I say reaching the top of the stairs.

I get to my room and take a shower shave, moisturize, and do my hygiene.

I walk to renaes room and a the girls are in there still not ready "oh thank God yall aren't ready yet" I say "Uh rude" lola says "no not like that I thought I was behind, I fell asleep on the couch with the boys we played video games and ate pizza and fell asleep" I explain "oh yea I saw your brothers they're cute" lola says and winks at me with makeup brush in her hand "oh no they are not they stink like teenage boys and their rooms are covered in dirty underwear" I say.

"word" renae says " absolutely not like I love them and all but no" I say "ok enough of that we got stuff to do hair, makeup, dresses, shoes" Christina says

"Ok let's put some music on" and on that note we got ready.

Kristen and Christina do the hair I got my hair straightened my hair is jet black and it goes to the middle of my back. Lola and renae do makeup I have more of a natural look but it's very nice and I also help renae and lola with makeup and what I mean by help is I criticize and compliment. I just help around with little things.

After like 2 hours we finally get ready to put the dresses and shoes I go to my room and put my dress on and put jewelry

After like 2 hours we finally get ready to put the dresses and shoes I go to my room and put my dress on and put jewelry

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With some red rhinestone shoes

And the girls put on their dresses

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And the girls put on their dresses



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