the beggining

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Talias pov
Ima new writer so please don't judge first story and please leave comment on what u think and any ideas

I woke up to someone shaking me, and my immediate instinct was to punch and I open my eyes to see Adrian on the floor holding his stomach. I started laughing while he was groaning "what the fuck dude" he said. I just kept laughing "that's what happends when you wake me up, anyway what do you want" I ask.

"Well dad and mom want you downstairs to talk" he said still holding his stomach and getting up "talk about what" I ask, "I don't know they just said go get your sister" he said.

"Alright I'm getting up, get out" I tell him " don't rush me" he said walking out the door.

I got out of bed and walked down stairs to see my brothers my sister and my parents sitting all at the table. Why was I the last one here? A feel of uneasiness strike me but I ignored it I mean I'm a mafia daughter who's the family assassin I specialize in knife throwing, guns and hand to hand combat what am I to be scared of... right.

I sit down at the table my moms eyes are a bit red like she had been crying, my sister renae had her head down my five brothers Adrian, cole, carter, Kai, and Brenden were avoiding eye contact like they wouldn't even look at me.

my dad looked stressed and guilty heck they all did but my dad looked worse. I can read people like a book and I can tell what was about to happen was not good, as I was about to say something but my mom broke the silence and said "I'm sorry" and I was confused "sorry for w-" my dad cut me of and said "I made a deal with Mason King before he died that you and his son would get married".

"What" I said "I needed to tell you now because it's happening when you turn eighteen" he explained, I have like 4 months until I turn eighteen.

"So your are telling me this now!?" I say with a bit of anger in my voice "I know I should have told you earlier but you know now right" my dad has been the strongest person I know and he has his times where he can be difficult and mean but I was his daughter and he was a bit softer when it came to me and my sister and mom.

My sister was now crying my mom was trying her best not to and my brothers all looked guilty and haven't said a word.

"Wait so I have 4 months until I turn eighteen and have to get married to Nathaniel King absolutely not".

"You don't have a choice Talia the deal has already been made" my dad states.

"So what was this whole deal about." I ask clearly confused and pissed of. "Me and Mr.king made the deal once we hit the third biggest mafia and once Nathaniel hit twenty years and when you hit eighteen" he explained.

"So I've been working my ass of to help push us to 3rd top mafia from 5th just for my prize to be getting married of to the biggest and strongest mafia, not only that but to the heartless and ruthless Sicilian mafia boss and the worst part is I won't even be able to find true love with him he won't even be loyal" I explained and cross my arms.

"This is good for business and combining our mafia will help destroy the fangs you know we have been doing everything to completely wipe them out and with the help of the Kings they will be gone" he explained.

"Why now why me, Renae is right here" I say "bitch don't drag me into this this is your problem." She says "RENAE AALIYAH HERNÁNDEZ language" mom says and points at her, she really doesnt like us cussing.

"Sorry mom" she apologized, my brothers let out some snickered laughter while I let out a quick smile but reality hit me hard and I said "No I am NOT marrying that absolute monster" I state, "you have no choice" my dad said. I started walking away "Nathaniel and his mom are coming tonight for dinner and you are going to get to know him and you are marrying him".

I get to the top of the stairs and say "sure keep thinking that" I yell. I get to my room and slam the door I start pacing but after a few minute I get dressed in a sports bra and some leggings with some nike air max 90 I work out pretty often and train even more so I got a pretty good body I grab my headphones and phone and go to the gym I see alot of men in there training but I get to working out it's my relaxation spot so im in there alot.

I stretch and get to work not even 2 minutes later my siblings walk in and see me working out I stop in the middle of my rep as they walk over "what do yall want I'm in the middle of my workout and yall know not to interrupt me".

" jeez sis relax we just wanted to check on you" brenden explaines, "Well I don't need to be checked on I'm listening to music and working out trying to forget what I just heard, I'll be fine" I tell him.

"damn isn't someone snappy" Cole says "Cole just because your a male and your my older brother doesn't mean I won't hesitate to kick your ass".

Adrian, brenden, and Cole are older than me as well as bigger than me but they know I'll give a good fight and carter is a 16 soon to be 17 in a few days while Kai and Renae are twins and they are both 16 then my other brothers adrain is 21 cole is 19 and Brendan just turned 19.

"Damnnnn" they all say except for Cole and I give him a death stare and he looks away haha bitch I won a staring contest against Cole.

"Well if yall don't mind I'd like to get to get back to my music and reps". "Alright fine we'll leave". carter says, Kai gives me an I'm sorry look and they all leave. I get back to my workout

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