everybody knows now

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My body slowly wakes me up as I toss and turn trying to go back to sleep but there's no use.

I sit for a second and my mind brings me back to yesterday I slightly smile. But I drag myself out of bed and grab some clothes to throw on.

I settle on grey and black graphic tee, some dark washed lightly ripped jeans with a pair of Jordan 1 stealth.

I start putting on a little mascara, nate walks in with a suit on he looks hot, he leans against the door way and crosses he's arms.

He stares at me through the mirror, I apply some lip oil and look at him through the mirror we stare intensely until I break the eye contact and butterflies sworm my stomach.

He has a hot smirk painted on his face as he turns to go back to the bedroom he grabs his gun and puts in his waistband and I grab my stuff and we head out the door and go downstairs.

Lori and Dante are at the table eating breakfast and flirting, lola, Christina, angelo, and damon are having a conversation.

"Morning" I say as we walk into the kitchen area "morning" everbody says in unison "where are you guys of to" Christina asks " my family" I say "yep"  nate says walking to the door "come on" he complains "don't rush me" I say pointing at him.

"I'll see yall in a bit" I say walking over to the door " byee" I hear as I step out the door.

"Oh by the way I handled your car" he says "what do you mean" I ask " I replaced the rear windshield and there weren't many bullet holes" he explains "oh thanks" I say "No problem" he says "my car" I say "absolutely not" nate says.

"Suits you cause I'm taking my car" is say " ok but just be careful" he says opening my door I sit and he closes my door and heads to his car.

I Start my car and back out the driveway.

As I go down the road nate stays behind me most of the time until we get to a red light he drives over so our cars are both in the front next to each other.

He looks over and I look I can barely see through both our tinted windows but I can see him with a wicked smirk on his face we stare for a while.

He winks and looks away with that smirk still on his face, as soon as the light turns i hear his engine roar and he speeds of as I reach him I start passing and I toss him a wink but he speeds up so were right across from each other again.

After going around 40 miles over the speed limit I get to my house but it feels weird like my stomach drops as I reach to open my door nate comes back and opens it "t-thank you" I say "hey you ok" he puts his hand on my lower back "yeah I'm fine it's just I'm excited to see my family but I don't think there gonna be happy about the decision I made though" I say slowly walking to the door "hey it's ok you did what you did for a good reason it's gonna be ok" he grabs my chin to make me look him in the eye he leans in and we kiss for a second.

I slowly unlock our lips "you'll get the rest later" I tease, I slowly bring my fist to the door to knock as knots form in my stomach "your tense, relax you will be just fine" nate whispers in my ear.

The door opens and I see renae her eyes light up as she goes in for a hug she tightly hugs me and I hug her back, "I've missed you so fucking much" she says squeezing me even tighter " I've missed you too" I say squeezing her back "ok I love you but can I enter the house" I say as we are hugging on the porch we let go.

"Adrian, Cole, Brendan, carter, and kai get down here" renae screams they come running down in a line pushing and shoving each other as the see me.

" I see you have order going cause they would have never listen before" I say "you won't believe the amount of times I had to threaten them while you where gone just to keep things in order" she says.

I get ambushed by big bear hugs "hey weirdos" I say hugging the ones I could "I missed you it takes alot to deal with boys" Adrian says "yeah and I had to babysit all of yall my whole life" I say and giggle "renae has been barking orders at us left and right" carter whispers "yea she bossy" kai whispers "yall do know I can hear yall, right, you guys suck at whispering" she says I start laughing.

"Anyway where's all your bags and stuff" brendan asks I make a face and his smile drops I look at the rest of them and they look like they are in shock, I looks at renae and she doesn't seem really shocked.

"So your going to actually marry that ass-" brendan starts until renae cuts him of "brendan be nice and we all saw that coming," she says.

" well I guess" carter says kinda bummed "hey I'm right down the road, like 30 minutes" I say and playfully shoulder bump him.

He's so soft when it comes to family I feel a bit bad.

"hey hunny" mom says as she walks over to me " hii mom" we go for a hug and she hugs me tightly "how are you, what's going on" her face drops when she sees how silent it is, dad slowly comes downstairs analyzing the room.

"I made my decision" I huff "oh well hunny I want you to do what you think is best for you and I'll be happy either way" she says. I honestly don't understand how my mom ended up with my dad I mean she's so sweet and nice and caring and considerate while me dad is the complete opposite.

I walk over to my dad and hug him he hugs me back I go sit next to nate on the couch, my dad has a shocked and questionable look plastered all over his face but when he sees me notice it then he changes it back.

"It still feels nice too have my little sister back even if she's not staying" Cole says and sends me a look renae smacks him in the back of the head "relax I was joking" he puts his hands up in defense.

"But it really does feel good to have you back" Adrian says with a smile while Kai nods his head and smiles at me " yeah I did miss you all, alot" I say with a smile.

"Ok so since I'm staying what do I have to sign and plan" I ask looking at my dad, "not much come on we need your signature and Mr.king's as well" he says getting up and heading up the stairs to his office me and nate follow behind him.

After we all sign some papers we finish, but I have no idea if he wants a wedding or how that's supposed to be or how it's gonna be planned.

I mean I've always dreamed of being proposed to and having a beautiful wedding but I have no idea if that possible now.

We head back down, it honestly feels good to be back home and with my family but I think I belong with nate and his mafia well I hope.

As I go back to the couch and sit with nate, carter does not look happy he hasn't said anything since I said I'm not staying.

I walk over and sit with him he just seems unbothered "hey" I say a playfully push him "hey" he says nonchalantly "don't be like that" "I'm not leaving you forever" I say "after all the stuff he did and all those fits you threw, you chose to stay so I have a reason to be like that" he snaps at me "ok" I say and go back over too nate.

The silence sticks for awhile and everyone exchanges a look at me then at carter. My mom gives carter a look and carter narrows his eyes away and renae gives him a look too and he completely avoids her look "ok alright I'm sorry lia" he says "lia?" Nate asks confused "ugh" I groan " it's my nickname that I tell them repeatedly not to call me" I say and roll my eyes.

"Good to know" nate says and winks at me "eww thats fucking gross if you two are gonna flirt don't do it infront of me" carter says in disgust.

I flick him off "well I love you all but I'm going now" I say getting up heading for the door. He's being so bitchy I'm so done I've dealt with enough of that in the past few months.

When me and nate get to the porch he turns to open the door "hold on I'll be right back" he says and walks in and closes the door, after a short few minutes he walks out "alright let's go" he says and walks to my car to open the door

I walk off to my car and without a word, I start driving home.

I wasn't really expecting that I mean everyone was fine with it but carter, and me and him argue but he's never been that snappy before so I don't know what's going on with him.

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