goodbye...not for good

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I wake up to somthing In my back I rub my eyes open and I see Cole Adrian lying on the end with coles head falling of the bed with his mouth wide open he looks so weird and adrain is half way off the bed with his feet next to coles mouth, ha idiots I snicker the look over renaes knee is in my back and kai is on the other side of renae facing the other way and brenden is lying on a bean bag chair and I sit up and see carter lying on the floor with almost all of the blankets and pillows.

Candy wrappers are on the floor. I lay my head right back down and move renaes sharp ass knee cap from where my back should be and grab my phone and take pictures of the so i can show them when they wake up then scroll through my socials for a bit until somebody starts tossing and turning and I hear a thump and kai pops his head up with one eye open and one closed and we see adrain rubbing his head sitting up looking like a straight fool me and kai start laughing even tho he barely is awake the I hear more groans and tossing and turning and I look the rest of em are opening their eyes.

"What the actual hell I'm trying to sleep"renaes says and smacks me and kai in the arms " hey you would laugh too Adrian just fell and hit his head" I say "ha" she points at him "shut up" adrain says "how about you all shut up" carters says putting a pillow over his head "yeah" brenden says under a blanket " I have pictures of yall looking like fools while sleeping" I grab my phone " mhm thats very stockerish" renae says " you would do the same thing so shut up" I lift my phone up and show them " ha look at you Cole your head is hanging of the bed with Adrian's feet in your mouth" she says "shut it renae" Cole says "adrain why are you hanging of the bed like that" kai asks laughing.

"Bro be quiet" adrain says and throws a pillow at kai's face and it connects so Kai throws it and it lands on Cole and he throws it a renae and next you know we break out in a pillow fight and we collapse in laughter after like 5 minutes we get up and start cleaning up empty bottles and candy wrappers along with blankets and pillows, its crazy I think about this is the most fun I've had since we were kids the boys never get to be themselves around dad and everthing is about the mafia killing people, money, drugs, clubs, dirty business it feels so good to finally get a break and be normal teenage siblings.

"You know guys this is the most fun we've had in years that has nothing to do with the mafia" I say picking trash " I thought that too" kai says "like it's crazy cause I love the business but some people need a break and it was nice to not be working and being normal teenage siblings" I say "real shit bro" brenden says and we continue talking about work and stuff.

*an hour later*

We finish cleaning my room and go down to eat breakfast and to our suprise mom and dad are down there talking and eating "morning all of you" mom gives us a questionable look "morning" we say together with no rhythm whatsoever we go grab our food and and sit down and eat, mom just keeps looking at us with a curious look we look at each other and burst out laughing and kept eating, they both were staring at us like we lost our minds and we laugh again " just being siblings" I say and giggle, mom nods and Dad just stares and looks away.

We finish our food and go upstairs "it's 10:34 wanna do something i mean isnt your boyfriend gonna pick you up at 1" carter asks " he's not my boyfriend and I think so" i roll my eyes "sure he's not" he says I shove him "yea we should do sum tho" I say "pool" renae says and kai and adrain nod"sports" Cole says "sports so I can beat you and bball"i say "oh please I could beat you in basketball anyway just not today" he says " boo you just don't wanna loose against me" I say "water  volleyball" renae says "yes I could kick all of yalls asses in volleyball" I say "ok me and kai vs you and Cole" she says "alright" I say "so we agree on volleyball right" she says "n-" brendan begins and is cut of by renae "ok so we all agree let's go" she says amd they walk out to go get ready.

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