welcome back

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The car ride home was silent Kristen decide to sit in the front and me and nate were in the back, and out of no where reality like punched me and I immediately started thinking the worst. I sniffled and I saw in the corner of my eye nate looked but I just turned my head to look out the window.

But I felt a hand on mine and I look and of course it's nates then I look at nate and he's just looking out the window I don't move my hand I just let it rest there. We make it to his house and the guards start taking my bags in the house and up to his room, "stay here for a quick sec" and with that he gets out of the car I look and he's talking to one of the guards when he's done he comes up and opens my door " thanks" I let out a small smile. We walk to the door and get in I head straight to his room where all my stuff is going when I get in there a few of my bags are in the closet so I start unpacking I want to get everthing done so I can just relax and recharge.

~Like a lot of hours later~

After I unpack my clothes with the help of the twins we talked the whole time but after we finish I finally lay down and relax they left to go get food so that left me by myself.

I change into a tank top and some spandex something comfortable. I just lay down and listen to music to calm myself I mean I just moved away from my birth home and away from my family for a stupid marriage I have no say on at all its a lot. I curl up and put my airpods in and listen, I get up to go to the restroom and I come out to see nate changing into some sweats and a t-shirt I'm convinced he likes seeing me nervous and flustered he really doesn't care, I just walk past him and scoff I'm really not in the mood for his bs "looks like someone's a little moody is it that time of the month" he says I flick him off and sarcastically smile " well that wasn't nice at all" he says putting his hand over his chest like hes offended

I immediately threw a pillow at him and he quickly moved his face out of the way so it missed him by like an inch "to slow" he says and makes a face at me and I do the same at him I go lay back down " get up" he says walking over to my side of the bed "No" I say blatantly irritated "you don't have a choice " he says in a cold tone "so get up" he demands " ok that tone might work on your dog but that won't work on me so no" I say roll my eyes, he huffs " you can't stay in here all day" he says and runs his hand through his hair " watch me" i whisper "ok so what you are already here and have no say in any of this what so ever so get.over.it" he says grinding his teeth on the last few words I look at him like he's fucking crazy.

"Remember this one thing and I'm done you may be a don but you are not my Don" I space out the last words with that he just walks out I can see steam coming out of his ears he does not being talked back to oh fucking well deal with it, I smile in my victory I got him mad and I got him to leave killing 2 birds with one stone.

I stay in the room all day and I'm guessing somebody had the maid bring food up cause she brought me a little snack so they probably told her what happend but she was a sweet lady around her 40's but nobody else came up so the twins probably told everbody not to bother me thankfully.

Night came around and I went to bed early just to help me escape and because I was drained and sore and not just physically drained but mentally too it felt do weird because last time I knew I was going back home but now I'm sure I'm not going back so everthing just feels odd no annoying brothers or a annoying and bossy sister I love them and everthing but I guess nate was right have too get over it right? Even if I'm not ready I have to get used to it I have to get used to this.

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