rule number 4

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The day goes by pretty cool me and the twins talk more about nate and damon and stuff Damon's the hacker and can fight while, Christina is a spy good to know.

Me and the twins head downstairs for dinner and it's a long dinning room table that fitts atleast 10 people Kristen, damon, Christina, and angelo are already sitting and talking we join "hey beautiful" damon says "hi" I say while sitting down next to lola.

"So damon and Christina tell me about yourselves" I say curiously "ok I'm 22 I'm usually the spy I live here when I'm not put on missions or when I'm not staying in New York" Christina explaines to me "and I the interesting one am a hacker I'm 18 I used to live here and moving back from New york oh and I'm single" he says and winks at me "very single" christina says I just laugh.

We all start talking for a few minutes and damon has been flirting with me the whole time as we're laughing I hear rapidly fast foot steps, it's like he can sense my happiness nate comes walking in and sits at the very end of the table right next to me and on the other side damon.

The maid brings in the food she here and there is steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. It looks pretty good, we start eating and damon is staring at me while nate is giving him dirty looks me and damon contain eye contact for a minute and I look away with a smile but nate turns his attention to me now giving me a dirty look

I just put my head down to face my food out of discomfort and the twins are laughing and Christina and angelo are staring at the 3 of us while Kristen is minding her business.

I just finish my food and excused myself out I go to the backyard and walk around its beautiful with trees and flowers and a pool with a jacuzzi attached and a nice sized patio I just sat on a bench near the pool and so I sat and listened to the water flow and watched the sunset. Then someone sat next to me i looked up and it was damon with a bright smile on his face, "hey you ok" he asks " yeah I'm fine it's cool just I need time to adjust I mean I'm being married of to a-" "an idiot yea I know" he finishes the sentence for me, kind off.

"Well yea close enough but I do miss my family I miss my annoying ass nosey ass siblings and mom and my father but I love them all." I explain.

"and the only escapes I have is nature, working out, music, sleeping and my family and i can't use those forever I mean we all have to come back to reality" I say I little disappointed.

"I'm sorry I mean my cousin is a giant ass" he says " yea he seems like it" I say with a laugh " but I'll be going home on wednesday for my brothers birthday he's turning 17" I say a little excited my little brother is about to be my age "oh nice how may siblings do you have "he asks" six 5 brothers and 1 sister" "wow" he says "yea" I raise my eyebrows

It was getting dark outside so me and damon headed to the house he put his hand on my waist to help guide me it got pretty dark really fast so he helped me not fall we reached the patio and walked in.

There he was nate his eyes went wide when he saw me and damon he immediately grabbed my wrist and started dragging me " nate what the fuck let me go your holding my arm to tight" he just ignored me and kept dragging me.

"NATE let go your actually hurting me" I say and smack his hand he keeps dragging till we get to his room and he slams the door "what the fuck was that" i ask as he runs his hands through his hair " I forbid you to be around with him or talk with him unless its a serious situation" he says " you are not the boss of me I will hang out with and talk to anyone I like" I tell him "don't forget rule number 4" he says glaring at me shit I think to myself while rubbing my wrist were he had grabbed me at.

I have no clue what he might do and to be completely honest I don't wnwt to figure cause he looks livid and judging by the story I heard about the last girl I think I'll listen to him.

"Whatever" I say and grab my clothes and go change in the bathroom I come out and he only has some grey sweats on shirtless again bro why is he shirtless again I think he knows it's my weakness.

I hope to my side and lay on the edge facing the other way he cuts the lights of and gets into bed and a few minutes later I feel myself drifting to sleep

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