the day after

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I wake up to a bright light shinning in my room I get up and look at the time it's 10:11, 2 seconds later everthing hit me from last night what happend with renae and damon and lola, Christina and my brothers Lori and Dante and how can I forget me and nate as well as Aaron's threat what fun.

It looks sunny, good for a pool day I get dressed in a cute bathsuit

I apply some Sunscreen grab a pool towel and head down and go to the backyard I have no clue where everyone else is at, anyway I lay out on the sunchairs near the pool and I decide to take a little nap cause I love sleep anyway three seconds after I close my eyes shade comes over me I open my eyes and kai looking down at me like I'm crazy.

"And what are you doing" he asks "um enjoying the sun you should try it some time your like a vampire" I say closing my eyes "excuse me well we just finished breakfast and was wondering where You where at" he says "oh and nobody woke me up I see how it is" I say "oh shut up mom wanted us to let you sleep cause of last night" he explaines crossing his arm.

"Ohh" "ok well I'll tell our siblings your out here and ask if they wanna hang in the pool to" he says walking back to the house I lay backdown and close my eyes thinking about last night.

It was interesting me and nate argued all night we also flirted all night just because we had to look like an actual couple, and we also had to watch all of our friends and siblings flirt which was kinda weird we all danced, laughed, argued, ate and talked all night long now that I think about it the ball was actually enjoyable. Anyway my train of thought was interrupted again by a trail of splashes getting me wet I sat up and looked and all of my brothers are in the water splashing each other.

"Hey atleast don't splash me" I say looking at carter and Cole the ones who are continuously splashing each other " "where's renae?" I ask "she says she was gonna come but she's taking foreveeerrr" kai says dragging the e's and r 's, "you have no patience at all" I say putting my sun glasses on and lying back down.

"Ok listen no funny business because I don't want my hair wet I washed it and everying last night and I don't want to do it again today so that means no splashing, no pushing, and no jumping in the pool" renaes says pointing at each one of them with her hand on her hip.

she's so bossy "your obviously gonna get wet dumbass" carters says splashing renaes legs "stop idiot" she says kicking her leg at him I giggle, renae comes and sits on the sunchair next to me "one day when their asleep I'm going to kill them" she says with a smile I just laugh "I mean it's the least painful way, you know they wouldn't expect it" I say and laugh some more we've always had jokes when it comes to dark humor but we don't really mean anything about it... most of the time atleast.

I look over and the boys are in a group huddle and that means nothing good, they nod and get out the pool "what are yall doing" I ask as they walk towards us and the next thing I know adrain and Cole are holding my arms and legs and kai, carter and Brenden are holding renaes and start swinging us "put me down you dummies" i scream "more importantly put me down you dummies" renae screams and then they throw us in the pool.

I swim up to the top and their laughing they're asses off for some guys who work in the mafia they play to much, I look and see renae putting her middle finger up so I join "yall are pains in the ass I came out here to get away from you guys, what the hell" I say "where ever you go we're gonna annoy you anyway" Adrian walks to the edge of the pool and flicks us of me and Renae look at each other and nod and pull adrain in the pool. He pops his head up "why did yall drag me in it was kai's idea" he says kai's eyes go wide and me and Renae run out of the pool and kai takes off and starts running around the pool renae goes one way and I go the other.

He looks and we both run and push him in and high five each other. "You know what fuck it they already got my hair wet" she says and cannon balls in I jump in after her and pull my head to the surface I see 3 other idiots jumping in as well we all look at each other and break out laughing and start splashing each other for the next few hours we tire each other out by swimming, splashing, jumping in the pool, throwing each other in the pool, hitting, arguing, laughing, running, water fights, and other stupid stuff.

The sunset starts to peak out so we dry off and head back inside and hit the showers. It was great to have a full day of fun like we used to have no work no mafia talk just old sibling fun and now that I think of it I haven't seen my parents at all today oh well probably just training or working or being bossy or sum shit.

I take a shower and wash my hair then put a sports bra on and some sweats along with some socks and go back downstairs and adrain is on the phone and Cole and Brendan are playing 2k and carter and kai are criticizing everthing how the hell did they get down here before me?

Well there boys they no nothing taking showers for longer than 5 minutes, I go down and I sit on the couch "who's adrain talking to" I ask "he's ordering pizza" brendan says not looking up from the tv.

"Ohhh nice" I say " ok I love you and everthing bit Cole you suck ass at 2k" i say snatching the controller from him.

"Uh bitch I'm better than you" he says trying to get the controller back "prove it" I say blocking him from the controller "I can beat you in basketball in real life and in a video game" he says "alright since you think you can beat me how about tommorow we play on the bball Outside" I say "alright bet" he says "just remember the last time I kicked your ass" I say "shut up that doesn't matter because this time I'm gonna beat your ass" he says "can you both shut up so I can focus" Brendan says "shut up I'm beating you while arguing with this asshole" I say.

I beat Brendan and he hands the controller to Cole so me and him can play against each other.

We play against each other and of course I won like cole is ok but I played basketball while he did football so I can guarantee he would kick my ass in football but in basketball he would loose so bad.

The whole time me and cole were playing Kai and Renae where arguing she was in a satin robe, fluffy slippers and her hair was wrapped in a towel she looked like the biggest drama queen and the worse part was it was all light pink with the letter "R" embroided into them.

She was arguing about some shampoo or sum saying that it's just for her and it's "special" I don't know she is so extra.

Anyway after the arguing and games the pizza gets here and they start arguing about how many pieces they get so I just sneak my two pieces and go sit on the couch and find a movie to watch. I decide to put on bad boys 2 because why not.

"Would you all just stop the bickering and come watch the movie" I yell from the couch, a little bit after that they come in and we start the movie.

*After the movie*

Once the movie ended we headed to our rooms. It was a pretty good day no complaining dad and definitely no Nathaniel King and speaking of dad I haven't seen him or mom all day I go straight to dad's office he is always in there I knock on the door I hear a firm and cold "come in" I open the door and he's at his desk and my mom is sitting across the desk he looks pissed and and my mom looks like she stressed "is everthing ok?" I ask a little worried "yes everthing is fine" he answers not taking his eyes of of mom "ok well I'm gonna go to bed good night" I say walking out "night hunny" mom says as I close the door.

Something is not right that's pretty obvious as i walk to my room my head keeps circling evething that's happend in the past few weeks.

I walk to my room and go straight to sleep.

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