time to think

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I wake up to being softly shook while my name is being called "Talia" I hear "Talia hunny" "talia" I hear I slowly blink my eyes open and adjust to the light "mhm" I see Kristen smiling warmly at me " hey hun are you ok" she asks "I brought you some tea" she adds i sit up and suddenly everthing hit me.

My mind started spinning and she could tell.

"relax it's ok your ok" she says putting her hand on my back. " i know, I understand i know how you feel" she says and rubs my arm " what-what do you mean" I asks "you think me and nates father had a smooth marriage all the time" she says " well I guess not" I say scratching my head.

" These things are going to take time I mean if you choose to stay it's not going to be a easy going thing all the time" she says "here take a sip it will help relax you" she says and hands me the tea I take a sip.

"hey thank you for everthing I mean I could have met death last night and in general you've been an amazing person to me" I say " you have became like one of mine" she says smiling at me I smile back.

"I brought you some clothes cause I figured the last thing you wanted too do was go in his room so you can take a shower and fresh n up" she says and gets up "oh and if you need anything all of us are here if you just wanna talk we are here to listen" she says " alright thanks again" I say "No problem hunny" she says as she walks out the door.

I got to the bathroom and take a shower, brush my teeth and moisturize, then throw on some clothes.

I go outside and realize I'm down the hall from nates room and right next to the twins rooms I quietly go over the railing of the stairs and look to see who's downstairs and damon screams "it's ok Talia nates gone" I slowly breathe out "ok thanks" I yell down and go down the stairs

I just wanna avoid seeing him, it'll cause less awkwardness in the room.

"Hey are you ok" Christina asks everbody turns my way "yeah yeah I'm fine just a little shocked" I say "well if it makes you feel any better I got the ice cream" angelo says smiling awkwardly "that will all ways make me feels better" I say and walk over, I grab the ice cream and go over to the counter top.

"Throw me a spoon" I say he chucks a spoon at me but I catch it with one hand "nice catch" he says. "Thanks".

I start eating my ice cream and angelo sits right next to me eating his " I guess this is our breakfast huh" he says playfully elbowing me "yeah it's the best breakfast" I say giggling.

I eat a few more spoon fulls and put the container back in the freezer.

I go back over to the counter stools and sit "thanks for helping me" I say "it was nothing it was the least i could do I mean you were turning purple" he says and chuckles I playfully punch him in the arm "well thanks anyway".

I get up and go back up to the room and lie down.

I honestly don't know why I'm still here I mean I've been stuck in a never ending loop of nates moodiness I mean I could of past out or died last night, I almost got kidnapped, I've gotten followed twice, shot at I mean the nothing really good has came out of the arranged marriage.

I've experienced many things but it's always been with my family this is still new to me in a way.

I could be home with my sibling and parents probably doing something fun with renae or the boys I would be in my own room with my mafia.

The only good thing that has came from this was the friends I made I have gotten so close with these people.

But how will we take down the fangs that's the only reason my dad did this because he will do anything to destroy and completely wipe them out.

Honestly I don't wanna continue like this I really do care for Kristen, Christina lola, Lori, Dante, damon, and angelo they have been so kind and caring to me and nate is still hot even with his mood swings and I can tell he cares for me in some interesting ways.

Whatever decision I make its going to effect somebody whether it's negative or positive if my siblings find out I chose to stay after everthing that happend they will be upset and hurt but atleast we'll get rid of the fangs for sure.

~Some hours later~

I think nate is home so I have been in this room since earlier and I don't plan on coming out I've just been flipping through channels and trying to take my mind off of him.

I want to go out and act like what heppend didn't but I honestly can't he drives me crazy I mean he has my mind spinning, he's so confusing and I don't know what to do.

I hear a knock "who is it" I ask hoping its not nate "Lola" I hear "come in" I say a bit relieved she walks in and sits on the bed with me "hey I wanna make sure your actually ok and I wanna talk but if you don't want too I" she says " um yeah I do think I'm fine. " I say sitting up against the headboard.

"I really want you to know that nate really does care for you and I know that it doesn't seem like it but he does he hasn't really opened up to anybody in a while because of that girl that me and Lori told you about" she explains

"That same girl she was the one who came up to you and nate at the ball she was like nates high-school sweetheart but little did he know she was with the fangs and was cheating on him with damon and damon didnt have an idea"

"He just hasn't learned to open back up yet he's still young but that really hurt him so he's been so different since then but I've seen the way he looks at you I know he likes you I know I sound crazy but once he trust you enough he will slowly open up but you will have to go through hell and back to earn his trust and you are a step up from all the girls he's been with so please just give him some time" she says "it won't be easy but I know my brother" she says smiling at me.

"He honestly doesn't know how to love properly he doesn't know how to care properly either he stopped a long time ago our dad was never easy on him or angelo I have no idea how angelo survived cause as you can see angelo is no where close as an ass as nate" she explains.

"but please just give him a chance"she says.

"Lola I love yall all we have gotten so close but I think I'm done" I trail off "I still don't know if I'm staying or not but don't be shocked if I leave but i digress" I say lying back down.

"Oh ok well we all still love you regardless you've basically became one of us and it takes guts and patience to deal with nate and stand up to him like you do" she says " so I complete understand but please think about this conversation before you make you decision" she says and smiles and walks out the door

"and um I wouldn't recommend coming downstairs because nates on an anger rampage" she says " isn't he always but noted, thanks by the way" I say "anytime"she says and walks out the door.

I stayed in the room the rest of the day and tried to clear my head but I couldn't I kept thinking and my mind was looping everthing constantly until I made my choice and eventually I did...

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