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Negan had taken Rick in the RV for a while now, it was light when they returned. The RV pulled up and shortly after, Rick was thrown out onto the gravelly floor. I hadn't really looked around since the sun had come up, I was laying on the floor with my eyes shut, hoping that I would pass out.

As I looked up, the first thing I saw was Glenn's body. I took a deep breath, wiping my cheeks before sighing, looking up as Negan dragged Rick across the floor, throwing him onto the ground in front of us.

Time seemed to move differently since then. My vision was blurry and everything sounded muffled, I'm not sure what happened, but I don't think I was conscious for all of it. 

I remember Negan taunting us, teasing us. I remember him asking Rick to cut off Carl's arm, then stopping him as he rose his axe. I remember hearing the muffled cries of my friends, my family, grieving our losses. And I remember feeling as if somebody had ripped a hole inside of me. I remember feeling empty, alone, despite being surrounded by my family.

I brought a hand up to my forehead, which was throbbing. My head was sweating and it felt like a million degrees. My hand was cold though, fresh blood still on them, I'm not sure who's they are.

"Load her up." I could hear Negan's voice. It echoed through my mind, and I was quickly dragged back to reality when Dwight grabbed onto me pulling me up. I would usually fight against him, and I like he was expecting me too, surprised when I obliged, allowing him to throw me into the back of  a truck.

"Him, too." I watched from the truck as he pointed at Daryl,
"The same one as his sister?" Dwight asked, looking down at Daryl, who unlike me, tried to fight back, pushing away from the man.
"They ain't stupid enough to try anything." Negan said and Dwight nodded, loading Daryl into the truck.

He slammed the doors and I let myself fall, leaning on the wall of the truck. I opened my eyes, looking at Daryl, who after accepting we were stuck turned back to me,
"Are you okay?" He asked, checking me over, seeing if I had anything lethal injuries.

I didn't, just minor, agonising injuries, covering me. I didn't reply, I just looked at him, tears in my eyes, I didn't want to close them, images of Glenn flooded my mind every time I tried to.
"Y/n I'm sorry. I am so sorry." He apologised, leaning back.

He didn't need to apologise though, there was nothing for him to be sorry about. I knew it was unlikely we would see each other much after this, I wanted to make the most of it.
"How'd you know if you got a broken rib?" I managed to cough out, 

"Did he brake one?" He asked, worry filling his voice. I let out a dry laugh, causing pain to run through my ribs. I winced, letting out a pained, shaky breath,
"I'll be okay." I told him, though I recon I was trying to convince myself that just as much him.


The car ride was bumpy, painful and long. Daryl had moved so he was sat next to me now, wrapping his bloody blanket around me instead of himself, even though it was clear he needed it more.

In some ways, I didn't want the journey to finish. I was with Daryl at the moment, but I knew we would be separated once we arrived back at whatever place I came from, there was no denying it. I felt safe with my brother around, even though we were both defenceless and injured.

It hit me suddenly how much I wanted to be home. Hell, not even at home, just with Jay. I didn't care where, I just wanted to be with him, see him even. I wanted to be able to tell him to be careful, I wanted him to know I'm okay, I just wanted to be with him.

"You'll be alright, won't you?" I asked as I heard the cars coming to a halt,
"Yeah.. I'll be fine," I was stubborn, but Daryl had nothing on me,
"Listen just, don't what he says okay? Trust me. Please just do what he wants." I begged as the doors swung open.

Dwight grabbed onto Daryl whilst Garrett got me, pulling me outside. The sun was bright but bearable if I squinted enough. I took in my surroundings as we walked through empty corridors which branched off to cell like rooms, similar to the one I was in before.

A wave of relief washed over me as we walked into a room, a doctor, preparing equipment as I walked in, laying down on the bed.
"I'm just going to give you a quick sedative, it'll take over pretty quickly." I heard him saying.

I wanted to tell him that I didn't care, but no words came out. Sure enough, within a minute, I could feel it kicking in. Part of me wanted to fight it, I didn't trust these people enough. The majority of me didn't care. I was tired and hurting, maybe if I were lucky, the sedative would knock me out for a while, that's what I hoped for anyway.

word count: 885
total word count: 55,599

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