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 I didn't expect Eugene to speak, I expected him to be too scared, he looked it, that's for sure.
"If you wanna kill someone, you start with our companion hiding over there behind those oil barrels." I saw Abraham duck down as we looked over.

There was no way he just dubbed him out like that,
"He's a first-class a-hole and he deserves it." Eugene finished. I looked at him, more confused than I had ever been.
"Go check it out." Dwight instructed. Three men walked towards the barrels, holding their guns tightly.

I watched in a mix of amusement and disgust as Eugene swung round, biting down on Dwight's dick. Yeah. You heard that right. He screamed and as he did, gunshots rang out from behind us, it was Abraham.

I tried to run but two hands grabbed onto me, I looked back to see two men, holding onto me, dragging me towards the woods,
"Get off me!" I yelled, kicking out, trying to fight against them. I could see Daryl trying to fight his way towards me, but it was no use, there was no way to get me out of this now. 

"Daryl don't!" I yelled out as I stopped fighting them, accepting it, "I'll find my way back to you!" Walkers began emerging from the woods and I watched as Dwight pushed himself away from Eugene, firing a couple of shots before running towards the men who had me,

"Fall back! Fall back!" He yelled. I felt a gun barrel press to my head, "You try anything and I'll shoot you in the head, got it?" I could hear Daryl yelling for me, trying to run after us,
"Go!" I yelled at him. I heard Rosita called him back and watched as he stopped running, watching in pain as the men dragged me away.

I was okay with it though, I didn't want him to keep fighting, not for me. I could escape them, I would find my way home.


 I was thrown harshly to the ground once we got a little further out, scraping my side on the rough floor.
"Tie her up, Negan will want to see this." Dwight said, watching as his men tied me up, holding up a walkie to his mouth.

"We lost 'em, but we do have something you might want to see." He said, crouching down to me. I wanted to punch him so badly, but the rope which was tightly tied around my wrists was preventing me.

"Anyone want to... take it out on her? She resembles Daryl enough." He smiled before standing up, standing over me before punching me in the face. It stung pretty badly, however, it was nothing compared to what came next.

He lifted up his foot, stomping it on my stomach. I rolled over on the floor, completely defenceless, coughing before spitting onto the floor.
"Is that..... all you... got?" I managed to say in between breaths or coughs. 

The men laughed, looking amongst themselves,
"Oh no. No we're saving you for Negan."


A bag which had previously been thrown over my head got ripped off. I looked around frantically, trying to figure out where I was. I was on the floor in a dark room, with no windows, just a singular light bulb hanging in the middle of the room.

I looked up to see three men in front of me. Dwight, a man with a gunshot wound in his shoulder, and a taller man. He had greying hair and a red bandana around his neck. He had a black leather jacket and black jeans.

"This is her?" Dwight asked the man with the gunshot wound, who nodded before walking out, leaving me alone with Dwight and the other man.
"Well would you look at this." The man said, pacing in front of me.

"What did you say her name was?" He asked Dwight, who stood in the corner,
"I can talk you know." I hissed, only now noticing the pain coursing through my head. I pulled my hand up, surprised to notice it wasn't still tied up.

I touched my head, hissing in pain when me fingers touched my eye, I could already tell it was bruised,
"Then enlighten me, what is your name?" He asked, crouching down in front of me
"you first." He chuckled, looking up at Dwight before back down at me,
"I'm Negan, of course that name would be familiar to you by now. 

"Y/n." I told him and he nodded,
"Well y/n, I've heard all sorts about you over the past day." He stood back up, pacing around the dark room. "See the man that was here before, he's called Derek. And well Derek was the only survivor from your little attack the other night." He explained to me,

"And when I asked Derek who attacked him, he said that he was shot by an Asian man. He also mentioned a particular h/c haired psychopathic kid, running around killing everyone in their sight, that sound about right?"

I watched him carefully as he walked,
"What, are you gonna kill me?" I asked, making the man scoff, shaking his head,
"No no, see once your group becomes... mine. A future serial killer like you, is going to come in very handy."

I shook my head,
"I am not a serial killer. Not now, not ever." He chuckled, looking over at Dwight,
"You hearing this shit?" He asked, pointing down at me, "Not a serial killer." He repeated, mocking me.

It hit me suddenly that I was trapped. I realised I wasn't getting out of this, not alone at least. It worried me but I couldn't show it, they couldn't know.

word count: 934
total word count: 50,966

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