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I slept in that morning. It was weird that I didn't get woken up by Jay making noise downstairs when he left, but the rays of sun shining through the window woke me. I pulled my hand up, blocking the sun to clear my vision a little.

Standing up, I pulled some clean clothes on, dragging myself downstairs as I thought about what had happened the day before. I still couldn't believe it, couldn't trust it, Dwight helping us? It was too good to be true.

I walked into the kitchen to see Ruth, sitting at the island on a stool.
"N/n, hey" She greeted, smiling at me as she drank what I assume was coffee from a mug.
"Is Jay around?" I asked her and she nodded, taking another sip from her mug,

"Mm, he's helping Carl at the armoury." I nodded, thanking her as I pushed the door open, shivering as the cool morning breeze hit my bare arms. I continued walking, looking around at everyone working, preparing for the fight.

I could see the trash people too, talking to Rick and Michonne, rumour had it that they were going to help fight too.
"Yo y/n!" I heard Daryl calling me, stopping me in my tracks. I turned around to face him, placing a hand on my forehead to block the sun.

"Give me a hand with the explosives would you?" He pointed in the direction of the truck we were storing them in,
"Yeah just.. give me a minute." I saw him nod before turning around, walking towards the truck as I jogged down the stairs to the armoury.

"Carl, hey. You seen Jay around?" I asked as the boy greeted me at the entrance to the armoury. Carl looked up from the gun he was holding, pointing to another part of the room which was sectioned off by some shelves.

I followed his finger, smiling as I turned the corner, being met face to face with him.
"Hi," He smiled into the words, looking into my eyes, "You doing okay?" I nodded as he held me slightly.

He pushed away, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a plaited bracelet,
"Enid taught me how," He explained, showing me the matching one on his wrist. I held out my hand and watched as he pulled the bracelet around,

"Is that too tight?" He asked and I shook my head, watching as he tied it in a knot, "Ruth has one too,"
"Are you nervous? For the fight I mean" I asked him as he let go of my wrist. He stopped for a second before replying.

"No, not really. Carl's been teaching me how to shoot and we have the people now. We'll be okay." He nodded, "Why'd you ask?"
"I can't go back there." Jay took a hold of my shoulders,

"I promise you, I won't let that happen." I trusted him when we spoke,
"I won't either," The voice almost made me jump and I turned around to see Carl, standing behind me. I smiled at the two before nodding, I was safe here, nobody could get me now.


I was stood in the back of the truck with Daryl, Rosita and Aaron, beginning to wire the explosives together.
"Are you worried?" Aaron asked me as we finished up, shutting the door to the truck,

"Not really. Not anymore anyway," I watched as Rosita helped direct Daryl out of the area in the truck, backing it out towards the road, where it would be positioned.
"It's going to work." He told me and I looked back over at him.

"I know."


Me, Ruth and Jay were all taking cover behind a car, just behind Daryl, who was standing by Rosita in front of the gate. He glanced back at me and I gave him a reassuring nod, we were going to do this, we were actually going to end it.

So far, Dwight had kept his part of the deal. He had slowed the saviours down, by a lot, we were just waiting on their arrival now. I felt myself tense up slightly, keeping a tighter hold on the gun I was holding as the distant sound of vehicles became closer and closer.

"All points are covered," I was slightly surprised to hear Eugene's voice, "Every contingency is already met. I come armed with two barrels of the truth. A test is upon you and I'm giving you the cheat sheet."

I could hear the brakes of the lorries hissing, coming to a complete state. I glanced over to Ruth, who looked a lot more confident than some of the other people here. "Hello." Eugene continued,

"I come salved with the hope that it is my dropped knowledge that you heed. Options are zero to none. Compliance and fealty are your only escape. Bottom-lining it, you may thrive, or you may die."

This isn't what we were expecting. Nobody had even considered that Eugene could've been brought with them. I hurt to know he was still on Negan's side, after everything he's done. It only made me angry, that someone could be that selfish.

"Will you comply, Rick?" He asked the man, who stood at the top of the gate. Rick took a moment before replying, completely ignoring Eugene's question,
"Where's Negan?"

"I'm Negan." Eugene's voice told us, infuriating me even more. Nobody said anything for what felt like an eternity, and I watched as Rick nodded to Rosita, giving her the signal to set of the bombs.

Rick ducked and I prepared myself for a very, very loud explosion, but it never came. I froze as the trash people stood up, aiming their guns down at us. I turned to pull my gun out but stopped myself, looking at four men, stood behind us, holding rifles up to the three of us.


word count: 950
total word count: 71, 634

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