6. Kindness

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Seo-jae's pov

I woke up with a slight start, almost forgetting where I was. But then the events of yesterday replayed in my head, how I was chased down, how Namjoon and Jimin attacked Dad's men to protect me and how Yoongi protected me from Chet after I was shot. I rubbed my eyes, as I shifted my legs only to hiss in pain. I was shot.. And Seokjin, that lovely Artic fox hybrid took care of my wounds. I couldn't describe the amount of emotions that I had felt when the others said that I was safe here, it made me feel like I was truly safe from the clutches of my dad. And I had noted that all seven of them were very handsome, like... Damn.. How? They all are definitely naturally that handsome. I winced, sitting up to stretch and let out a loud yawn. I covered my mouth as I yawned, before stretching my arms out. I must have passed out from the pain, it did hurt to have that bullet pulled out of my leg. I looked outside the window, noticing that it was early in the morning meaning I must have slept all of yesterday afternoon after I passed out. "Ah, you're awake." I nearly jumped out of my skin, as I whipped my head around and spotted Jin coming towards the living room. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I was just coming to check on you." He said softly, his gaze on me softening. "It's alright.. Thank you for taking care of my wound. You really didn't have to." My eyes darting around the room, "Hey, none of that 'You didn't have to' crap. I did it because I truly wanted to help you. And don't say you don't deserve it. I will have none of that talk in this cabin, you hear me?" Jin scolded me lightly, a small stern look on his face. For some reason when he said all of that, I felt like I was at home more than I ever was with my father. It amazed me just how sweet and genuine Jin was with his feelings and words, I could tell that he had nothing but good intentions. So I felt safe with him, which made me hope that Namjoon and Jimin were like this as well.

"I understand, SeokJin."

"Please, just call me Jin."

"Sorry, Jin."

"It's alright, how are you feeling?" He asked, coming over to check on my wound. "I'm okay, still shaken up from what happened yesterday. My thigh hurts a lot though." I explained, as I swung my legs off the couch carefully and placed my feet on the floor. Jin bent down in front of me, taking my injured thigh in his hand. "Yeah, that'll be sore for quite a while. You're on strict bed rest since you need to give it time to heal properly. Meaning that I will be bringing you all of your meals and we can help you to the bathroom when you need it." He said, unwrapping my wound. In my mind, I immediately deflated. As much as I wanted to stay here, it wouldn't be right to impede on them. They are wild hybrids and me being here could have just put them all in danger. He applied slight pressure making me wince and grip the couch, before he applied some ointment and rewrapped the wound. "I really have to stay in bed? How will I do that if I have to leave? I can't stay here." I said. "And why can't you?" My head snapped to the left, where Namjoon and Yoongi were coming down the hallway towards us. "Because you all would be put in danger if I stayed here... My father... He." I shivered when I thought of what he could possibly do to them. "He won't give up until he's got you back?" Yoongi said, "Look, we aren't letting you go back out there just for more of those men to possibly kill you, instead of bringing you back to your father. And your father is not a great person at all. So we're not letting you go back out there to your possible death." Yoongi said, shoving his hands in his pockets. I opened my mouth to protest but he held up a hand and shook his head, "We already as a group made the decision to let you stay here. Isn't that right, Namjoon?" My eyes trailed over to Namjoon, who nodded in agreement.

"Yes. The moment Jimin, Hyung and I decided to save you and bring you here was the same moment, I decided that you were going to stay here." He gave me a light smile, "Are you sure? Wouldn't I just be a burden to you and your pack?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. Jin scoffed, shaking his head as he patted my knee. "Look at me, Jae." My eyes shifted to Jin, our eyes meeting. "We don't think of you as some kind of burden. When Namjoon decides to help people, we help and support him. That's what a pack does. And with what I have heard about your father, I can tell that even you are too terrified to go back to him. I can see it in your eyes that you fear him. I can tell just by your body language that you have already made up your mind, that you are not going back. You are injured and there is no way any of us feel safe letting you go back out there. I can say with certainty that you are not going to be a burden.. In fact, I think that you are going to be the best thing that happens to us. Jae, I promise you with all of my heart that I am going to take care of you. I'm going to make sure that you are safe. Even if your father comes after us, we are going to keep protecting you with everything we have." Jin's words made my heart beat faster, I felt tears prick in my eyes as I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time.

Wanted. Protected. Safe.

"Are you sure that you want me to stay?" I asked, my voice coming out quietly.

"Yes, we are." A soft voice called, my eyes shifted away from Jin and landed on Jimin. He looked like he had just woken up, but he definitely seemed more awake. "We want you to stay, Jae. So please, take a chance on us. Will you stay?" He asked, his brown eyes boring into mine.

"....Yes. I'll stay." A tear slipped down my face, Jimin smiled brightly as Jin wiped my tears away.

"Welcome to the pack, Seo-Jae."

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