4. A Cabin full of Hybrids

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3rd person's pov

Hoseok stood near the window, staring longingly out of it as he waited for his three mates to come back. He couldn't help but fear the worst, especially with how good of hearing he is. Shots rang out, echoing through the forest which caught everyone in the cabin's attention. "Hyung!" Taehyung came running down the stairs with Jungkook right behind him, both having heard the gunshots. "What was that?" Jungkook asked, looking over at Hoseok as they got to the bottom of the stairs. "It sounded like gunshots." Taehyung said, his voice quivering a bit. He feared that something had happened to Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon. "What if those humans tried to shoot them? What if they got shot? Hyung, we have to go look for them! They could be hurt!" Jungkook ranted, Hoseok's ears twitching as he kept his blue eyes on the view outside. "They'll be fine, okay. Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon are very good at being stealthy. And they are not going to let a gun stop them from protecting each other. We are staying here. Joon made it clear that we shouldn't leave the cabin in case things get rough out there so that's what we're doing." Hoseok said wryly, his voice somewhat strained. Both boys stayed quiet behind him, looking to one another. They wanted to comfort Hoseok, knowing just how close he was to Yoongi and Namjoon. Hoseok sighed, shaking his head and then he caught a whiff of Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin's scents as well as a thick scent of strawberries, vanilla and blood. He looked up from his hands, his eyes widening when he spotted a shifted Namjoon and Yoongi with Jimin still in his wolf form coming towards the cabin. He breathed out a sigh of relief, his hand uncurling and then he saw Namjoon carrying a human girl in his arms. He was relieved to see his mates were just fine, but when he saw the limp young human girl in his mate's arms, he had no clue how to feel. Taehyung and Jungkook looked out the window, as Jin rushed to open the door. He swung the door open, his face contorted in concern. "What the hell?" Taehyung muttered as Jimin trotted into the cabin, snout stained red and paws tracking in bloody, wet paw prints.

"Jiminie, whose blood is that? Are you hurt?" Jin asked, the white wolf barked and trotted off to go clean up. "No, that's not his. None of us are injured." Namjoon said, trailing into the cabin behind Yoongi. "Then whose blood-?" Hoseok started, "The men that were chasing her." Yoongi nodded, gesturing towards the girl in Namjoon's arms. "Who is that?" Jungkook asked, stepping forward to take a closer look at the unconscious girl. Namjoon unknowingly pulled Seo-Jae closer to his chest away from Jungkook and Taehyung's gaze in a protective manner, as if he was making sure that they didn't attack her. This did not go unnoticed by Jin, who had closed the door behind him. Hoseok even noticed the way Namjoon cradled the young girl to him, realizing that Namjoon still that feeling very protective of her. "Jin hyung, she was shot. She needs medical attention." Jin nodded and rushed out of the room, grabbing a first aid kit as Namjoon set her down on the couch in the living room. Jin came walking back out of the bathroom, carrying different medical supplies and bent down beside the young girl. Without saying a word, he inspected the wound and started cleaning it. He also cleaned the wound on her arm, disinfecting it and wrapped it tightly. Jin was the only one in the pack who didn't bother questioning Namjoon or Yoongi for bringing back a human girl, though it wasn't something he expected. Although, he knew that Namjoon would help anyone he can and Yoongi would only do it if Namjoon managed to convince him to follow his instincts, but what he didn't expect was to see how Namjoon cradled her body towards him when he first walked in the door. It seemed to him that Namjoon had built some kind of connection to her, which is just like him.

"Why did you bring a human back here? She could be dangerous for all we know." Taehyung started, as they gathered in the living room to talk with Namjoon. "She's not a threat, Taehyung. The girl was terrified out of her mind and was on the run from the humans we spotted. She is not like those humans we encountered, in fact, she thanked us for helping her. We found out from listening to those men that she was on the run from her father." Namjoon growled at Yoongi mentioning Seo-jae's father, "That man is evil." Jimin spoke, padding softly in the room looking like he just showered.

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