14. Pack Ritual

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Seo-Jae's pov

"So why are we all gathered here in the living room with a window open while its snowing outside?" Yoongi asked, his tail swinging in curiosity as he stood beside Jin. Everyone looked at Namjoon, who had a serious and intimidating look on his face. "I opened the window because it felt a little cramped in here. And the reason, I called all of you here in the living room is because we have something important to discuss with Seo-Jae." He said, looking over at me. "And what would that be?" Yoongi questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. "If Seo-Jae is now apart of the pack, we need to make sure that no other hybrids from any other pack can claim her. And because she is also human, we as a team need to be able to protect her from those that want to harm her because she is human. Jae," I looked at him, our eyes meeting. "Anyone who becomes a part of the pack goes through a ritual. A pack ritual, which involves the pack leader placing a mark in the same spot as everyone else in the pack. This is how you will be connected to us even though you aren't a hybrid." He explained, "You have to mark me?" I felt my heart pound out of my chest in excitement and nervousness, "Yes, don't worry. It'll only be me marking you as I'm the leader of this pack. You won't have to do anything other than verbally accept the pack as now your own as well when the marking takes place." He explained, "Okay," I nodded, "Jae, if you're not ready to do this.. You don't have to." Jin spoke up, I looked over at him and gave him a small smile as he was being so thoughtful.

"Are you sure about this? About wanting me in your pack as an official member?" I asked, looking at Namjoon and Jin.

"Yes, we are. We all came to the same agreement. We want you in our pack, Seo-Jae." Jungkook smiled, my heart warmed at that.

"Okay.." I took a deep breath, "I'm ready." I turned to Namjoon and Jin, the two smiled and nodded. Jin directed me to sit on the couch, Namjoon taking a seat on the coffee table directly in front of me. "So how this works is.. You take a basic oath. You'll repeat after me and once you have done that and sworn to follow that oath, then I will proceed to mark you. It'll be painful but quick and I have to warn you now, you might pass out from the pain." Namjoon warned, I nodded and took in the information. "Are you sure you still want to go through with this? Cause once you recite the oath, you will not be able to leave this pack unless you die or get kicked out." Taehyung questioned, his gaze felt a bit scrutinizing but I didn't care. "I am ready."

"Alright then.." Namjoon said, "Let's get started."

"Repeat after me, Jae." He said, our eyes meeting. "I solemnly swear to do what's best for the pack, I won't leave or turn my back on my pack even in death and only in death will I be free of this pack. But shall a member fall, I will make sure to honor all of their wishes and carry on their legacy through whatever means necessary. I swear to protect this pack with everything in my being down to the last organic cell in my body. I promise to always be there for my pack members and to treat them as family, friends or even lovers. I will walk hand in hand with my pack, never letting anyone take the bond we have away from one another. I give my undying loyalty to this pack, forever and always." Namjoon spoke.

"I solemnly swear to do what's best for the pack, I won't leave or turn my back on my pack even in death and only in death will I be free of this pack. But shall a member fall, I will make sure to honor all of their wishes and carry on their legacy through whatever means necessary. I swear to protect this pack with everything in my being down to the last organic cell in my body. I promise to always be there for my pack members and to treat them as family, friends or even lovers. I will walk hand in hand with my pack, never letting anyone take the bond we have away from one another. I give my undying loyalty to this pack, forever and always." I recited, Namjoon gave me a smile and nodded to Jin. "Alright, before he marks you. We all have to make sure that swearing you in is everyone's wish. Everyone in favor of this say ay." Jin turned to the others, "AY!!!" Jimin shouted enthusiastically.

"Ayy!!" Hoseok and Yoongi chorused.

"Ay!" Jungkook smiled.

"Ay." Taehyung said softly.

"Ay!" Jin smiled at me, he then looked to Namjoon. "Aye." Namjoon said softly, staring longingly into my eyes. I took a deep breath, relieved that everyone had agreed to me being apart of the pack. "Now, Namjoon is going to mark you. And for that, he's going to have to mark you on your wrist. Everyone has their mark in the exact same spot." Jin explained, I held out my arm and Namjoon softly grabbed it. Tingles shot up and down my entire body as he softly caressed my hand, I watched as his canines elongated, his tail thumping softly against the coffee table. He brought my wrist up to his mouth, looking to me and gave me a wolfy smile which made me smile right back at him. He then bit down on my wrist, causing me to wince and squeeze Jin's hand tighter. As the pain started to subside, sparks flew and my entire body felt nothing but pure pleasure. Both Namjoon and I let out a loud pleasure filled moan, making my cheeks heat up as I began to feel a bit dizzy. I lost myself in the pleasure, the dizziness becoming more unbearable and slumped back onto Jin as my eyes fluttered, I found it hard to stay awake.

"Jae.." Jin calling my name was the last thing I heard as I slipped unconscious, my eyes fully closing shut.

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