20. Save Him...

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3rd person's pov

In the cabin, Jin paced back and forth in the living room. None of the boys were able to stay calm with the fact that they could hear screams, shouting and gun shots ring out through the forest. "Jin give it a rest, would ya?" Yoongi quipped, he hated it when Jin became antsy and anxious. "I can't. This is taking too long, those three should have been back by now. Why have they not come back yet?" Jin turned to face Yoongi, "Hyung, they'll be fine. You know those three can handle themselves well." He said, "But what if they get shot by whoever was shooting the gun we heard earlier?" Jin replied, "Hyung," Yoongi complained, "I'm sure they are all fine. You know Hoseok is very skilled when it comes to taking people down with guns. They'll be fine." Yoongi patted Jin on the shoulder, trying to reassure him that the four outside of the cabin were fine. Which was true, Seo-jae only received small scratches and bruises from Ryan and Chris collectively. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Hoseok were all fine with Hyunjin being the only one in need of medical attention. Hoseok had placed Hyunjin on Namjoon's back, while Taehyung held Jae's hand and led them back to the cabin. Hoseok trailed after Namjoon, making sure to cover the tracks they left behind so that nobody came after them.

Back at the cabin, Yoongi had a tough time trying to keep everyone together. Jin was still pacing back and forth until Yoongi had, had enough of his frantic worrying and forced him to sit down on a chair. Jungkook had resorted to nail biting, which Jin scolded him for multiple times. Jimin lifted his head when he heard footsteps headed towards the house coming from outside the cabin, he could smell Seo-jae and the others. Jungkook heard them as well and rushed over to the window, the two of them smiling ear to ear as they saw Seo-jae being guided by Taehyung back to the cabin. Both hybrids were eager to see that their mates had come back unscathed despite hearing all of those gunshots ring out.

"Hyung!! They're back!!!"

The front door opened with Jungkook throwing himself at Taehyung as Jimin pulled Seo-jae into a large hug. Seo-jae buried her face into Jimin's chest, holding tightly as he scented her heavily. When he let go, Jungkook took over and pulled her into a hug, scenting her heavily as well. "What took you guys so long?" Jin stormed over towards the four, "Some crazy assholes were holding Jae hostage and this guy helped saved her." Hoseok pointed towards Namjoon, who was carrying Hyunjin on his back. "Oh my god," Jin rushed over to Namjoon, following him as Namjoon walked over to the couch. Taunting closed the door behind them, locking it behind them. "That's Hyunjin!" Jimin cried out, "You know him?" Namjoon asked, looking over his shoulder as Yoongi and Jin helped Hyunjin onto the couch. "Yeah, he.. He saved me and Jungkook once," Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, "What happened out there? We heard gunshots." Yoongi looked at Namjoon, "Seo-jae managed to track Hyunjin, she was right on his tracks but she veered off when two humans showed up. They were after Hyunjin and they found her, from our understanding Hyunjin jumped in and stopped those assholes from hurting Jae."

"What do you mean from your understanding?"

"We weren't with Jae after they took her hostage, it wasn't until Hobi hyung pinpointed her scent and led us there. When we got there the two idiots had a gun aimed at both Jae and Hyunjin. Lucky for us, Jae bit the guy holding her hostage on the hand and ran to us while Hyunjin attacked the guy. He saved her when he didn't know her." Taehyung finished explaining, everyone looked over at Seo-jae.

"Jae, what on god's green earth made you think it was a good idea to go after an injured hybrid? Outside in the cold? You had no clue if Hyunjin was feral or aggressive. He could have killed you and we wouldn't have known until it was too late." Jin scolded, "I wanted to help him, his wound was pretty bad and when we locked eyes after the two of us first saw each other, I could see that he was asking for help. I couldn't just leave him out there in the cold. He was shot. You three didn't leave me out there when I was shot, why would I not try to help him?" Jae's words resonated with everyone in the room, Yoongi let out a sigh and threw his head back as Namjoon just nodded his head.

"Alright... We won't make a big deal out of this, this time. But next time something like this happens, you come get one of us. You could have gotten hurt or worse." Yoongi stated, crossing his arms as he looked at Seo-jae. "You promise, you'll come get one of us if this happens again?" Hoseok asked, "I promise." Seo-jae said, reassuring them. "Good. Cause we were really scared we were going to lose you today. That asshole was ready to go down fighting and take you with him if he didn't get his way." Taehyung pulled Seo-Jae into a hug, holding her close. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest, "Can you help him?" She asked, her eyes shifting to Jin. Jin sighed and nodded his head as he examined Hyunjin's injuries, "I should be able to patch him up but he might need a lot more aftercare than we can give him." Jin stated, looking up at her.

"I know somebody that we can take him to. First, I need to make sure the bullet isn't still in him."

"And if it is?" Seo-jae asked, "If it is then I'm gonna have to knock him out with strong medication and carefully dig for it. Hopefully it doesn't come to that but if it does... I can only hope that what I have here will help him." Jin answered.


"Hm?" Jimin perked up when his name was called, "Take care of Jae's scratches. Once you're done come help me with Hyunjin." Jin stated, "Sure thing." Jimin led Seo-jae to his shared room with Jungkook following closely behind them, Taehyung also decided to go with Jimin, leaving the four oldest in the living room with Hyunjin.

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