22. The Long Road to Recovery

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3rd person's pov

After Jin and Jimin successfully stopped the bleeding and found the bullet that had been lodged in Hyunjin's side, they were able to keep his vitals stable and get him back on his feet in just two days. Hyunjin had been adamant about getting back on his feet despite Jin's word that he needed to take it easy, Hyunjin wasn't one to be stuck in one place now that he had freedom to get away. Hyunjin rather enjoyed his time with the Bangtan Pack, but he wanted to get out of the cabin and go find his pack. He had been separated from his pack for three years following the fact that he, Jimin and Jungkook had been kidnapped from their home. For three years, the three of them had been together stuck in one place. The last year, they were together, they had an opportunity to escape. Hyunjin knew that not all three of them could escape together, so he helped Jimin and Jungkook escape. Now that he finally had his freedom, he wanted nothing more than to find his pack. At the moment, him and Jimin were hanging outside on the back of the porch. Jimin and Jungkook were happy to see Hyunjin on the mend and they were finally able to actually spend time with him, which seemed fine to Namjoon, though he worried about the attachment that they had with Hyunjin. He didn't know if he could exactly trust Hyunjin, although, he had thanked him for saving Seo-Jae. Speaking of the young girl, her health had declined. Due to being in the cold weather for a while and despite Jungkook's best efforts to warm her up, Seo-jae caught a cold which started a rapid decline in her health. She had been moved into Jin's shared room with Yoongi so that Jin could better keep an eye on her, her fever had spiked since she had last gone to sleep and Jin was doing everything he could to bring it down. The rest of the boys became concerned with Jae's fever since it hadn't come down, "I don't get it. How did she still get sick when we did everything right?" Jungkook asked, "Human immune systems are weaker than ours. The cold took a toll on her body, especially since she was out there for a while. Even though, she had on a coat, her clothes weren't weather protected. And her adrenaline was pumping so hard that she probably couldn't tell that she was cold." Jimin explained, "Wow, Hyung. How did you know all of that?" Jungkook asked, "The books that Namjoon brought back. They were on the human immune system and stuff like that." Yoongi sat down on the couch, taking a sip of hot chocolate. He was worried about Jae's fever as it had not gone down since she had gotten it, Jin had been working tirelessly between taking care of Hyunjin and Jae, trying to get her fever to come down.

"Do you think she'll get better?"

"Of course, she will, Kook. Jin Hyung is well versed in treating colds."

"In hybrids, Taehyung." Namjoon said, "But he has experience with humans to. Or did you all seem to forget that he used to take care of a little girl. And she had a weak immune system. Jin hyung is well versed in taking care of humans." Taehyung explained, "Tae has a point, Joon. Look, Jae will come out of this." Hoseok reassured, "I hope so." Jungkook placed his head on his arms, sighing heavily.

Jin came out of the room, looking tired and sightly exhausted. Yoongi handed him a cup of coffee as he took a seat beside him. "How is she?" He asked, "She's finally sleeping. The fever finally came down from 100.1 to 99.4. She's still got an elevated temp and I'm worried that if she doesn't get better that we might need to take her to a hospital if her temp spikes again." Jin sighed heavily, "Have you slept at all?" Namjoon asked, frowning as he looked at Jin. "Not really," Jin answered, "Then you shouldn't be drinking coffee." Hoseok confiscated the cup from Jin, who gave him a look. "Excuse me, Give that back." Jin sat up, "No," Hoseok said, putting the cup down in front of Jungkook.


"No. You need to get some sleep, hyung. Sleep." Hoseok demanded, "I cannot go to sleep until Jae's fever finally breaks." Jin went to stand but Hoseok and Yoongi pushed him to sit back down, "No, no, no. Listen, we can take care of Jae and her fever. You taught Jimin and I well. We will take care of them both." Hoseok said, "It's fine, I can handle it." Jin argued, "No," Yoongi spoke up, "Just go get some sleep. You need it. We don't need an exhausted hyung to take care on top of a very sick Jae and injured Hyunjin. Go get in my bed and go to sleep." Yoongi insisted.

"You guys are not going to take no for an answer, are you?" Jin quipped, looking around the room.

"You would be right." Namjoon said, "Alright, alright. I'll go get some sleep." Jin got up from the couch with a sigh and headed to the room, he got comfortable and once his head hit the pillow he was out like a light.

"Speaking of Jimin, where is he?" Namjoon asked.

"Talking outside with Hyunjin. Jimin hyung is a lot closer to Hyunjin than I am." Jungkook explained, "Why?" He looked at the wolf hybrid with confusion, he could sense that Namjoon wasn't too fond of Hyunjin but he couldn't figure out why. To him they owed Hyunjin a lot, if it wasn't for him, they would have never found Jimin and Jungkook. To Namjoon, he only worried about what Hyunjin's intentions were as he didn't know him. He wasn't the only one skeptical of Hyunjin, Yoongi had been keeping a close eye on him as well. "I just wanted to know where he was. Don't want him catching a cold." Namjoon grabbed his cup of hot chocolate and stood up, grabbing another cup. "I'm gonna take this to Jimin and Hyunjin." With that, he left the living room and headed outside.

"Does anyone else think something's off here?"

"I do."

"I don't think hyung likes Hyunjin." Taehyung leaned against the wall, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. "He doesn't trust Hyunjin." Hoseok said, "Why?" Jungkook asked, "We know how you and Jimin feel about Hyunjin. But none of us know him like you two do. I don't exactly trust Hyunjin myself but I'm not going to be completely be against him and pick fights. Not unless he does something to rub me wrong way." Yoongi said, his tail flicked slowly as he stood to his feet. "I'm going to check on Jae and jin hyung." Yoongi left the room, "Welp, let me get started on lunch. I can tell today might be a long day."

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