16. Soulmates

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Seo-Jae's pov

After passing out, I felt a warmth spread all over my body as it adjusted to the pack mark that Namjoon had given me. Another feeling spread throughout my body and I knew, I knew that it wasn't something that someone felt just because they were now in a pack. I remember asking Mom when I was much younger about how it felt to find your soulmate, I wanted to know in case I did have one out there. I can remember her words very clearly to this day, "Soulmates aren't the ones who make you happiest, they're instead the ones who make you feel the most. They hurl you into the abyss. They taste like hope, like everything that you want out of life. They make even the most trivial things in life seem easier to get through. One day, Baby girl when you find yours, you'll know. Your heart will tell you." Keeping those words in my mind, I could feel my heart pound in my chest in the most exciting way possible. From the moment I met the seven of them, I felt that I had a deep connection with each one of them. I felt a strong desire to be with them, to be there for them, and to stay by their side no matter what happened. And that's when I knew.. The seven of these wonderful hybrids have to be my soulmates. They just have to be. I know they are. If I know, then they must know. And if they knew about it, why haven't they said anything about it? Hybrids can sense and identify their soulmates before humans can even identify them, that's why hybrid/ human pairs can find each other so easily. If they haven't said anything, does that mean... They don't want me? No, I can't think like that. But.. Taehyung.. He's so wary of humans, there's no way he has accepted me as his mate. My heart broke at the thought of it. When I opened my eyes, I found myself laying across the couch and covered with the baby pink blanket that Jin had first given me the night I got here. I remembered that I passed out after Namjoon marked my wrist, I looked down at the mark he made and then noticed that the symbols on my arm had turned from different symbols to one complete one. And it was colored purple, which meant that I was bonded to my soulmates. I had heard that this kind of thing happens to those who have been marked by one of their mates when they have multiple soulmates, especially those who have hybrid soulmates. I sighed heavily, feeling even worse as I thought about it more. I pulled my knees up to my chest, leaning forward, and wrapped my arms around my legs. I still felt pain in my leg, mostly from the area where I had been shot. Tears pooled in my eyes as I buried myself in the blanket, noticing that it smelled just like Jin. His scent was comforting at the moment.

What if the seven of them reject me? Do they even want me as their mate? If they do.. I hope they do.. Why haven't they talked to me about it? I... I already have had so much rejection and hatred in my life that I can't bear to even think that they would feel this way about me. It'll crush me if my own soulmates decide to reject me.. And if they do.. I'm stuck here now. I.. Can't just leave them after I made the pact. What do I do? What do I do if they reject me?

I felt tears slide down my cheeks, as I could only further fall into despair about the situation I have found myself in. I was too lost in thought that I didn't hear the front door open or the chatter of the boys. "Jae?" Jimin called, but I didn't answer him. Everyone stopped talking amongst themselves as they felt a massive wave of angst and sadness pass through the bond, and their eyes shifted toward Jae. "Jae? What's wrong?" I felt the couch dip, my nose tingled as I smelled a nice vanilla bean smell coming from him. "I know.." I trailed off, it was hard to find my voice but I needed to know if I was right. "Know what?" I sniffled, looking up at Jimin with red, puffy eyes. We made eye contact and I knew he realized what I was referring to. "You know.." He said, "Oh, Jae." He trailed off, his eyes softening as he looked at me. I could feel and see just how much compassion he held in his heart which was directed towards me. "I'm confused." Hoseok frowned, "Me too." Jungkook nodded, "Hyung, what does she know?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Jimin and I. Jimin kept eye contact with me, placing a hand on top of mine. "Wait..." Jin spoke up, it seemed like he was to figure out what Jimin was referring to. "Seo-Jae.." I looked at Jin, whose eyes widened as he made eye contact with me. "She knows she's our last mate." He said in shock. "What?" Namjoon spit out his water, coughing loudly behind Yoongi as Taehyung's jaw dropped.

"How?" Namjoon looked at Taehyung, a glare forming on his face. "Did you tell her?" He calmly asked Taehyung, "No, I didn't. Although, I would have."

"Then who told her?"

"Nobody told me.." I spoke, turning attention back to me. "I figured it out after you gave me the pack mark. I thought about it before I even got the mark. You guys are my mates... My mate mark changed after you marked me, Namjoon." I moved the sleeve on my arm and showed it to them, Jimin's eyes sparkling as he saw it. "It really is you." Jimin smiled, pushing his sleeve back on his shoulder and showed me the same mark which was now colored purple. "Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at Namjoon, tears spilling onto my cheeks. Everyone became silent, "Do you guys not want me as a mate? I mean," A sob left my mouth as I let out a laugh, "Am I really that bad?"

"No!" Hoseok said, "No, you aren't bad. There are a lot of us who wanted to tell you. Even Tae was amongst the ones who wanted to tell you." Hoseok explained, I shifted my eyes to Taehyung who nodded. "Why?" I asked, "Because you deserve the truth, Jae. You are our last missing soulmate. I.. I didn't want you to think that we don't want you because we do. I know that it's hard to believe coming from me because of how I've treated you since you got here but.." He walked towards the couch and bent down in front of me, he took my hands in his which sent tingles up my arm. I was surprised at how close he was, he never got this close to me before.

"Jae, I want you to be my mate. I accept you as my soulmate." His words made my heart beat faster, "We all accept you as our soulmate, Jae." Jimin said, he reached up and wiped my tears away.

"The question we have for is.." Namjoon started. "Do you accept us as your soulmates?"

"Yes, I do." I didn't hesitate answering which threw them for a loop, Jimin's facial expression changed into a large smile. "Really?" Jungkook asked, "Yes, really." I sniffled, giving him a smile. "I always wanted to know who my soulmate(s) were. And when you all came into my life, I felt it. I just knew it.. I don't care that you are hybrids, or that you live in a cabin in the woods. I've gotten to know over the course of the five days I've spent here and I absolutely adore you all for who you all are." A large smile made its way across Taehyung's lips, his cute boxy smile showing. He pulled me into a large hug, making me giggle as he laughed. Jimin joined the hug and so did Jungkook, the three of them smothering me with kisses all over my face.

"Well, I'll be damned." Jin smiled.

"I told you she wasn't like other humans." Namjoon said, "Yeah, you were right, Joon. She really is something special." Yoongi patted Namjoon on the shoulder, smiling at him.

"Yes, she is." Hoseok smiled.

"This calls for a celebration!!" Jungkook shouted, making me laugh. I felt overjoyed in the moment, I was finally accepted without having to jump through hoops. My soulmates really do like me.

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