15. Disagreements and Aching Hearts

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Jungkook's pov

Hearing Seo-Jae's moan stirred crazy emotions in me and I wasn't alone in that. I looked around the room, noticing that everyone had become very much turned on by the sound of it as it seemed to be the most pleasant sound I have ever heard coming from a human girl. This was an absolute first for me as I usually didn't take much interest in human girls, they always used me. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, my heart pounding against my ribcage and I could barely hold all of my urges back to jump her bones and mate with her. It seemed that everyone else was having the same problem, which only became more intense as we felt connected to her through the pack mark and the mate bond. "Is she gonna be okay?" Jimin spoke, finally breaking the silence. Namjoon cleared his throat, snapping himself out of that lustful state he was in, and nodded. "She'll be fine, Jimin. Don't worry. She just passed out from the pain." He explained, "She most likely passed out because that mark may have overstimulated her senses, she may be human but once a human earns a pack mark, they become way more sensitive to things." Jin added, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"Sensitive to what?" Taehyung asked.

"Smells. Because she is also our soulmate she will be much more connected to us than just a regular packmate. And since the mark enhances her senses like smell, touch, taste, hearing, and sight, she will be able to smell our individual scents and the pack scent. She most likely will figure out on her own that she's our soulmate. We have kept our soul mark hidden from her but sooner or later she will find out." Jin explained, looking down at Seo-Jae who was peacefully sleeping. I noticed that Hoseok was staring at Seo-Jae, watching her peacefully sleep on Jin's shoulder and I could see that his heart swelled. I knew that he wanted nothing more than to tell her, he wanted to be able to hold her hand and it would not seem awkward. I wanted the same thing. "We need to come clean and we need to do it when she wakes up. I know that we are all scared about telling her but we need to. If we want to start off on a good footing in a possible relationship with her as our mate, then we need to be upfront and honest." Hoseok said, he stood firm in his decision. My eyes trailed to Namjoon, who was staring at Seo-Jae as Jin laid her across the couch. His ears twitched, I knew that this was going to be hard but we needed to do it.

"We will tell her... In due time.."

"You mean to say we're not telling her any time soon." Yoongi stated, glaring at Namjoon. "I don't think that it's a good idea at all for us to just spring this on her. Not when she already has to worry about her father and his men still hunting her down out there." Namjoon said, "Well, I think that's stupid." Taehyung spoke up, "I think she should know something like this now. She deserves to know. Besides.. I know that she suspects something about all of us and she hasn't said anything because she doesn't want to assume anything. I know that for a fact that she knows that she has a soulmate or soulmates." Taehyung started, the rest of the pack could sense that Taehyung was becoming agitated and it seemed like the tiger would start another argument. His ears flicked every which way, Namjoon only sighed and shook his head. He stood to his feet, turning towards us. "We are going to wait. Just until we know that those men can't find us here." He said, "Are you kidding me?!!" Taehyung snapped, his tail swishing tentatively. "Taehyung," Yoongi started, from the tone of his voice, I knew he didn't want another fight happening. Taehyung growled loudly, his body slightly tensed and he stormed off to take a breather. I flinched when he slammed the door to our shared bedroom, my eyes shifting from the hallway to Jae who had slightly stirred from the loud sound. "Namjoon, I think it would be wise to tell her now. She has the right to know about this. It involves her life and well-being and I know she wants to meet her soulmate. Hiding this from her will only strain our relationship with her. She might not trust us if we hide it. If I was in her position, I would want to know." Yoongi spoke, "So you agree with Taehyung on this too, huh? How many of you agree with them?"

"I do." I raised my hand, "So do I." Jimin spoke up, "We should tell her. If we keep holding off what's to say she won't find out later and not from any of us?" He added, "I agree." Yoongi nodded.

"Hyung?" Namjoon turned to look at Jin, who looked up from Seo-jae. "I think we should tell her when she wakes up. She deserves to know. I want her to know. Because we need the answer as to whether or not she would accept us as her soulmates." Jin spoke up, Namjoon sighed and stayed quiet for a moment. It made me wonder why he was so pushy about not telling her. Was he afraid of what she would say? What she would think of us being her soulmates? Just from getting to know her these past few days, I can tell that Seo-Jae has an open mind. That she isn't like most of the humans we have encountered in our many years together as a group, she is someone who believes the good in others and has an open mind.

"Okay," Namjoon started, he looked up from his hands. His eyes landed on Seo-Jae, who shifted in her spot and naturally snuggled against Jin's side. "We'll tell her.. I don't know what she'll say but.. We'll tell her."

"Alright!" I exclaimed, "Then let's hope for the best, Joon. Let's not think negative but let's not get our hopes up too much." Yoongi suggested, "Right."

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