23. Another Problem

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3rd person's pov

The next few days seemed to go by without a problem, that is until some of the men that had been looking for Jae had doubled back to look for her. Hoseok and Jungkook had been out on patrol in the early hours of the morning after the sun had risen when they spotted the men combing their area, this panicked Jungkook who was nearly seen by one of the men. Hoseok knew that they needed to leave, it was only a matter of time before they found their cabin but Jin wasn't going to be up for leaving with a sick human and injured hybrid. "Hyung..." Jungkook started, he knew that things were about to get complicated. "I know, Kook. We gotta go back and tell Joon. He won't be up for leaving.." Hoseok answered, the two of them took off as fast as they could towards the cabin. They were careful and checked the area before they headed inside,it seemed that they were going to have to hide Jae if the cabin was found. "Hey, Kookie." Taehyung greeted as Jungkook came back inside in his snow leopard form, he let out a chirp and nudged Taehyung with his head. "Hey bud, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook once again nudged him. "Do you need Namjoon?" Jungkook chirped just as Hoseok came inside in his hybrid form, he closed the sliding glass door and locked it, closing the blinds. "Taehyung, go get everyone. We have a new problem." He turned to Taehyung, who nodded and rushed off to find everyone.

Jin sat down on the couch, sipping on hot chocolate with Yoongi next to him. Jimin sat to their right, Namjoon sitting in between Jimin and Jin. Hyunjin was also out in the living room, sitting on the other couch and Jae was curled up on the reclining chair they had. Jungkook had still not shifted back into his hybrid form, he laid at Taehyung's feet who sat to left of Yoongi. "What's going on, Hyung?" Namjoon asked, Jae sniffled as she looked at Hoseok. "When Jungkook and I were out on patrol, we saw some of Jae's father's men looking for her. They doubled back this way in case she showed up here." Hoseok explained, leaving everyone stunned. "Wait, I'm confused.." Hyunjin started, "Why is your father looking for you? Are you on the run?" He looked at Jae, "Yes," Was all she said, "Shit." Hyunjin cursed, "Why? Why would you run away from your own family?" He added, looking concerned and confused. Jae turned her eyes away from Hyunjin, not wanting to get into details of what was really going on. "She ran away from home because her father is someone who hates wild hybrids, she has some information that could bring down his organization. He hunts wild hybrids for a living, Hyunjin." Yoongi explained. "That's why those men are out there looking for her. Her father wants her to be brought back home unharmed." He added, leaning back against the pillows. Jae wrapped herself tighter in the baby pink blanket, this blanket had become her favorite as it smelled like Jin. It gave her a sense of comfort when she wasn't cuddling with the boys, Jimin could sense Jae's unease about the news. She worried that they would possibly find the cabin.

"Is that how you found her?"

"Yes. Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi were on patrol when they came across Jae being chased by several of his men. They killed one of them and let two of them go as the kid just around Kook's age wasn't a threat to her. The other one hauled tail the minute Yoongi and Jimin cornered him." Jin said.

"How did you even figure out that she was your mate? Did you just take a chance on some random stranger?" Hyunjin quipped, furrowing his eyebrows. "Yes, I did." Namjoon said sternly, "We didn't know she was our mate until we had that moment with her. Even if she wasn't our mate. i still would have made the same decision to save her. Two of those men were going to have their way with her before bringing her back to her father, I've seen it happen too many times with wild female hybrids and I wasn't going to let a human girl experience the same treatment. Call me stupid but I stand by my decision to help her. After all, she is our soulmate." Namjoon looked at Jae, smiling softly as they made eye contact.

"So what do we do? We obviously can't let those men find her." Hyunjin asked, "I was thinking that we mask Jae's scent with one of ours. It would throw them off her trail if they find the cabin, especially if they are using a dog or possibly a hybrid to track her scent. Yoongi's scent is the strongest scent in the house, so if we cover her with it and hide her in the safe room we have hidden away in the cabin then she won't be found here. I figured that if they found our cabin, they might try to search the inside of our home or look elsewhere on the property for her." Namjoon suggested, "That actually sounds like a decent plan. Only we know where the safe room is located and it's not something that can easily be found. One of us can stay in the safe room with Jae so she wouldn't in there alone." Jin said.

"But for how long would we keep her in there?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook lifted his head as he nudged Taehyung, who looked down at him. For a moment, it was silent between the two before Taehyung spoke again, "Jungkook said he'll stay with her. He thinks it's a good idea if we do this sooner than later. There's no telling when they'll find the cabin." He explained, petting Jungkook softly.

"We'll keep her in there until those men are gone. If they come back again, then we'll have to move to another area. But for right now, we should stick with this plan. Let's start masking her scent tonight and make sure that nobody outside of this cabin and this group can smell her scent." Namjoon stated, "Alright," Hoseok nodded, "Hyung, are you okay with you masking her scent?" He looked at Yoongi, "Yeah, it's fine. If it keeps her safe then it's fine. Besides, my panther has been dying to scent Jae since he imprinted on her." Yoongi smirked, making Jimin chuckle lightly and roll his eyes. "Come on, Jae. We'll show you where the safe room is." Namjoon and Yoongi stood up from the couch, Jae stood to her feet and followed after the two.

"What do we do if they start asking questions about why i'm here? I don't live here." Hyunjin asked.

"We can always say you were injured because of a trap. We'll figure something out." Jin stated, "Jungkook, you can shift back now." Jungkook let out a chirp, stretching out his front paws and got to his feet. He trotted over to Jimin, nudging him to go with him. "Alright, alright. I'm going, Kook. I'm going." Jimin laughed, Jungkook only chirped again as he continued to push Jimin towards their shared room. "Why hasn't he shifted back to his hybrid form?" Hyunjin motioned to Jungkook, who had disappeared with Jimin down the hall. He had never seen Jungkook do that in the three years they had known one another.

"Jungkook developed a habit of staying in his snow leopard form if he's stressed about something. Jimin's presence helps him out of that mindset and it gives him the type of comfort that none of us can give him when he's that stressed. Those two have known each other since they were younger. None of us worry too much because Jimin can usually get him to shift back. This is the first time he's done it in a while." Taehyung explained, Hyunjin nodded and sat back as he realized there were things he was now learning about the two. "I'll get started on breakfast. Wanna help?" Jin looked at Hoseok, who nodded. "Yeah, I'm hungry." Hoseok smiled, patting his stomach as it rumbled. Jin shook his head and smiled, the two heading to the kitchen. "Don't worry too much about this, Hyunjin. They aren't going to find Jae." Taehyung stood to his feet and headed to his shared room to check on Jimin and Jungkook.

"I hope you're right..." Hyunjin thought.

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