9. Shocking Discovery

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( Few Days Later)

3rd person's pov

It's been a few days since Hoseok and Jimin declared that not only were they there for Seo-Jae, but they were also her friends. Even Jungkook and the others had started to warm up to her, which made for some funny and awkward moments for them all. Taehyung was the only one who decided to keep his distance, but he could tell that Seo-Jae wasn't a bad person. He just didn't want to get too close to her, the last human he let get too close nearly killed Jungkook and he wasn't ready for that to possibly happen again. When Seo-jae had asked to take a shower, at first, all the boys were stunned and shied away but in the end it was Hoseok who had helped her into the bathroom. And since she had no other clothes to wear, Jimin lent her his to wear. So here they were, standing in the bathroom, Seo-jae leaning against Hoseok who was showing her how to use their shower. Since her leg was not fully healed and was bandaged up, she had to wear a bag over her leg so that the bandage didn't get wet. Once he got the shower running, he pointed out what towel she could use and where to put her dirty clothes. Once she was settled, he left the bathroom to give her privacy. She began undressing slowly as to not agitate her wounds any further and once she was completely nude, she wrapped the bag over her leg. She carefully hobbled over to the shower and stepped in, sighing in absolute relief at the feel of the hot water running over her skin.

"How is she, Hobi?" Jin asked, as Hoseok had walked back into the living room where everyone was lounging.

"She'll be fine. I showed her how to use the shower."

"What should we do about the fact that she has no other clothes to wear? And that the only ones she owns are the ones she was last seen in? If she goes out in public, they will probably figure out who she is. I'm pretty sure that father of hers has put up missing posters for her around town. And it doesn't help that those stupid humans are still combing through the woods for her." Taehyung said, running his hands through his dark brown hair.

"I don't know yet, Taehyung."

"I say the best thing we can do is go into town and buy her new clothes. Ones that she can wear, especially now that it has started snowing." Namjoon said, "But Hyung, we were saving that money for us to get a different place where all of us wouldn't be bothered." Taehyung whined, "We have plenty saved up, Tae. There is no need to be selfish when we have the money in order to feed, house, and clothe an extra person." Jin walked over to the kitchen.

"Selfish?! How am I being selfish, Hyung? She's human! She can probably take care of herself without needing money from us! All she has to do is leave here and find her way into another city or state." Taehyung retorted, standing to his feet. Yoongi sucked in a breath, as Jin just shook his head. Namjoon let out a growl, becoming slightly agitated with Taehyung's attitude towards her. "Taehyung," Said boy's head turned to his right, where Jimin was sitting. The pink-haired wolf glared harshly at him, "You seriously think she can easily get out of these woods with her injury, the snow, the weather and those men still trying to track her down?" He raised an eyebrow at the tiger next to him, "You didn't see how much bigger those men were than her! She's younger than Kook! Would you say things like that if Kook was in her position and human?!"

"She's not our mate, Hyung."

"I don't know about that." Hoseok voiced, causing heads to turn to him.


"I think she might be... We are supposed to be eight, are we not?" Hoseok asked, "Well, yes. We are." Jimin nodded. "But how?"

"Did any of you feel a magnetic pull or an electric pulse when you touched or looked into her eyes?" He asked, leaving everyone in silence to think. Jungkook slowly lifted his head, his eyes widening as he realized that Hoseok might have been right.

"I've felt it." Jimin said.

"Me too," Hoseok spoke.

"I did." Everyone looked at Jin. "I felt it the first time we met her. When she first woke up. I felt this strong, magnetic pull and her scent... It seemed so.."

"Alluring and strong?" Namjoon finished, "You felt it too?" Jin asked, "Yeah.. I did. That same day we brought her here. My wolf has been really restless when he's not around her. It's like he-"

"Needs her. Wants to protect her. Wants to be around her all the time." Jimin butted in, "I felt that way too. My wolf has been trying to tell me that this whole time." He added in, looking around the room.

"Jungkook? Hyung?"

"I felt it when I first decided to talk to her when she first woke up after you all brought her here." Jungkook admitted, his cheeks burning slightly. "I've felt it before all of you then, I suppose." Yoongi said, sitting up in his seat. "What? What do you mean?" Jin questioned, leaning forward as eyes went to Yoongi.

"In the woods when we first saw her. My panther... He imprinted on her right then and there. That's why he felt so drawn to protect her... He recognized her as our final mate before any of us or our animals did. I didn't even realize that he had imprinted on her until late last night when I was talking to her." He finished, sitting back in his seat.

"Taehyung?" Taehyung lifted his eyes from the floor, his eyes finding Yoongi's dark brown orbs staring at him. "What about you? Have you felt this? Or more importantly, has your tiger sensed anything?" Yoongi's gaze was enough to make Taehyung slightly tremble in his place, he had always been intimidating but this time was different. Yoongi often took a softer approach to the maknae line, but this... The way he had been treating the young girl that Yoongi had grown to like, it was making him pissed off. Taehyung shifted in his place, feeling slightly flustered as his tail swished slowly behind him. He stayed silent for a moment, wracking his brain for what they were talking about. His tiger on the other hand was basically screaming at Taehyung for being stupid, for pushing away his mate. He needed her, he wanted her and he wanted to get to know her but Taehyung's human side didn't want that.

"Tae?" Hoseok called softly, his blue eyes staring in wonder at the Bengal hybrid standing in front of the couch.

"Yes... I did feel it.." He said, licking his lips. "But I don't understand.. How could a human be our last mate?" He frowned, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked to Namjoon for answers. "Fate. It's fate. I've heard this kind of thing happen to many other hybrids. They find out their mate is a human, some end horribly, and some end really well." Namjoon said, shifting his weight onto his right leg. "I don't think we have to worry about it ending in bloodshed or disaster, Tae-Tae. Jae is a different person from those humans who rejected their hybrids. Sure, she'll be scared or even confused. But I don't think she'll be disgusted or majorly panicked about it. After all, she is fighting to get better laws for us, right?" The others nodded at Namjoon's statement, agreeing silently. "She isn't a bad person Taehyung, I really hope you can see that one day, Tae. She may even surprise you." Jungkook said, standing to his feet. His ears perked up as he heard Jae finish her shower and struggle to get dressed, he decided to go check on her to make sure that if she needed any kind of help he would be there.

"Please, for our sakes... Don't screw this up. We've been feeling incomplete without our last mate and now that we know that it is Seo-Jae, you need to be more careful about the way you treat her." Jimin stood to his feet, patting Taehyung on the shoulder before leaving the living room to check on Seo-Jae. The others spread out across the cabin, leaving Taehyung to himself in the living room. "I know she's not a bad person. She's so sweet. I've never met anyone like her... But I'm scared. What happens if her father finds her and her with us? Will all of us be truly safe?" Taehyung thought, he collapsed onto the couch and put his head in his hands.

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