11. Fearing the Worst

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3rd person's pov

Seo-Jae had successfully made it into the bathroom on her own, though Jungkook insisted on helping her out. His leopard persistently telling him to stay near her, this was a problem for Jungkook. He didn't want to keep it from her that she was his mate, but he had to. He wasn't sure if Seo-Jae would accept the idea, although she has proven him wrong before. He sat down on the couch, feeling restless since most of the house was empty. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi had gone out to shop for food for them to eat and clothing for Seo-Jae to wear since the weather was too cold. Hoseok was out patrolling the area with Taehyung, leaving him with Jimin and Seo-Jae in the cabin. Jimin was in his shared room with Taehyung and Kook, currently trying to dredge up all he could find on how to treat human wounds and whatnot. Jin was the only one among the pack who knew how to treat hybrid and human wounds, which he learned due to his past life. Jimin wanted to learn from him so that Jin wasn't the only one treating wounds, he wanted to take that pressure off of him. Jimin jotted down notes, burying himself in books that Namjoon had brought home from years ago. The cabin didn't really have Internet, Yoongi didn't want to take the chance that somebody could find them so he didn't want internet to be installed. That left Jimin to medical books that Namjoon would bring home for Jin, so that he could learn everything he could on how to treat wounds should they ever need it. Rubbing his eyes, Jimin leaned back in his chair and yawned. He had been at this for hours, which started out very late at night. He hardly had gotten any sleep since he was busy studying, Taehyung had to practically pry the book from his hands to get him to go to bed. "I should check on Kook, he seems restless." Jimin pushed the chair back, standing to his feet. He stretched out his arms, letting out a loud yawn and ruffled his Bubblegum pink hair. He stepped away from the desk, heading outside of the room and into the hallway. He stepped into the living room, spotting a restless Jungkook pacing back and forth around the living room coffee table. "Kook, what's the matter?" Jimin frowned, sensing Jungkook's uneasiness which was now more apparent seeing as his tail hung low. "I.. I just have this feeling that something is wrong. Hobi and Tae should have been back by now.." He rattled off, Jimin could tell that there was something else bothering Jungkook, he knew that he had a tendency to hide things if he felt necessary. "Where's Jae?" He noticed that the young girl they had become close with was nowhere to be seen. "She's in the bathroom. She wanted to take a shower."

"By herself?!"

"She's fine, Hyung. I've been listening out for her."

"Kook, I know that's not the only thing bothering you. What else is it?" Jimin stepped forward, "I.. I'm worried that when the time comes and we tell Seo-Jae that she's our mate. That she's the last one who completes the seven of us.. She'll be disgusted and reject us." A silence fell over the two hybrids, Jimin trying to find words to comfort his youngest mate. Deep down, Jimin had felt that same way. But he could see that Seo-Jae wasn't the kind of person to be so close-minded, after all, she had accepted becoming a pack member despite her being the only human. Jimin let out a sigh, stepping closer to Jungkook who was close to shedding tears. He placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "Jungkook-ah," Jimin said softly, he spun Jungkook around to face him. His brown eyes meeting Jungkook's light gray eyes which were full of unshed tears, he could see the fear in Jungkook's eyes. The sight broke his heart, he moved his hands up to Jungkook's face and put both hands on either cheek. "Kookie, I know that you're scared. Hell, even I'm afraid of that possibility. But we have to give Seo-Jae the benefit of a doubt. She is one of the sweetest humans I have ever met and I can tell that she is not close minded like other humans can be. She's even become our close friend in such little time. Kook, I know for a fact that she won't be disgusted with us like that. You can see it in her eyes that she lights up when we hang out with her. I know there's still the possibility of it happening, I don't have all the answers and solutions right now.. And when that time does come.. We'll handle it together, okay?" Jimin gave him a small smile, which seemed to take away some of Jungkook's fears. He nodded, sniffling as Jimin wiped a stray tear away.


"Good," Jimin pulled Jungkook closer, lightly pecking Jungkook's forehead and pulled away. Just as he pulled back, the front door opened and in trotted Hoseok and Taehyung. The latter of the two still in their hybrid form, "Hey, Hyung." Jimin greeted, smiling as he pulled back from Jungkook.

"Hey, Jiminie. Kookie." Hoseok smiled, walking over to them. He pulled them into a bear hug, scenting them both and pecked their cheeks. "Oh, it looks like we made it just in time." A voice said, their heads snapped to the right as Yoongi walked in the front door with Jin and Namjoon right behind him. They all were carrying bags of either clothing, women hygiene products or food that everyone could eat. Jin placed his bags on the kitchen counter, closing the door behind Namjoon and locked it. He slipped off his coat and his shoes, both Namjoon and Yoongi shedding their extra layers as well.

"Wow, you guys bought a lot." Hoseok chuckled, walking over to greet the three.

"Yeah, we weren't sure what to get in terms of hygiene products. So Jin Hyung was brave enough to ask a lady store worker to help us." Namjoon explained, patting Hoseok on the cheek.

"How did patrolling go? Did you guys spot anyone out there?" Yoongi asked, walking past Hoseok as he started placing food in the pantry and the fridge.

"No, we didn't see anyone. Although, we got a large whiff of humans. And a lot of them. They were moving away from their area, heading further into the forest." Hoseok explained, sitting down on the bar stool that was on the other side of the kitchen island.

"They really think she could have run further out into the forest?" Jin quipped, helping Yoongi put the groceries away.

"Yeah, they do." Hoseok nodded, "Where is Taehyung?" Yoongi asked, noticing that their cuddly tiger was nowhere to be seen.

"He went to the bathroom to wash up." Hoseok said, "WHAT?!!" Jimin and Jungkook shouted startling the entire Hyung line, "What? What's the problem? Why'd you shout like that?" Namjoon asked, furrowing his eyebrows at them in complete confusion. "Seo-Jae was taking a shower. She insisted on going to the bathroom by herself." Jungkook explained, "And you let her?" Hoseok stared at him in disbelief, "Well, yeah. She insisted and I've been listening out for her. I told her to just shout if she needed help. She's fine, Hyung."

"Wait, if She's in the bathroom and Taehyung went to clean up then-"

As if on cue, they heard a shout come from Taehyung, his deep voice sending shudders down his mates spine while Seo-Jae let out a loud scream. They heard the door slam shut, it went silent for a moment before they heard the soft footsteps belonging to Taehyung. Everyone looked to the hallway, spotting Taehyung who was coming down the hall.

"Tae?" Yoongi asked, said young man looked dazed. His eyes were clouded with lust and shock, a bright red blush sporting his cheeks.

"Tae-Tae, are you alright?" Namjoon stepped forward, Taehyung lifted his eyes to look at them, his tail swishing behind him. "I.. I.. She.. She was changing.. And I.. She.. I accidentally walked in on her.. Naked." Everyone's eyes widened at the news, shocked with what they just learned.

"Oh dear." Jin smacked his forehead.

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