17. A Friend In Need

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Seo-Jae's pov

I stretched out my arms, sitting up and looked to my left as I heard light snoring. A smile appeared on my face when I saw that it was Jin, his ears twitched every few minutes and he seemed peaceful. After we all celebrated last night, Jin and the others set up his room like a fort. There were all sorts of pillows and blankets tossed around, I rubbed my eyes lightly getting rid of the grogginess from sleep. I heard more soft breathing and looked around, my smile growing larger as I saw the rest of the boys were cuddled together and sleeping as well. Yoongi was curled up next to Jin, Jimin and Jungkook were draped over one another. Taehyung's leg thrown across Hoseok haphazardly, it was so funny to see his limbs all over Hoseok who didn't even mind. On the other side of Jin was Namjoon, who was peacefully sleeping wrapped in one of Jin's arms. I couldn't believe that they are all mine. All seven of them are my soulmates, it made my heart feel giddy as I looked at them peacefully sleeping. I took my eyes off of them and looked out of the sliding glass door, deciding to head over and watch the fresh snow fall. It was beautiful. As I looked around the area, something caught my eye and peaked my curiosity. My breath caught in my throat when I noticed that it was moving and then it came into full view of and backyard, a large grey wolf stood tall and was staring right at me. I looked it over head to toe and noticed that it was wounded, the poor thing was probably injured by someone or something. It suddenly made me uncomfortable as I shifted weight off my right leg onto my left, the wolf suddenly broke eye contact with me and looked elsewhere before dashing off into the woods. I grabbed one of the boy's hoodies and slipped it on, also slipping on some sweatpants they had bought for me. I quietly slipped on some socks and shoes, stepped over Taehyung and Hoseok and headed to the counter.

I wrote a note on a small piece of paper that was lying around, telling the boys that I went out to check on something and that I would be fine. I grabbed some medical supplies that Jin had restocked, making sure I had gauze, painkillers, disinfectant and bandages to help the wolf's wound. I wanted to be prepared for anything, I also brought a towel just in case and shoved all of the supplies in a small bag that I had been carrying the day I escaped. With that, I quietly slid the sliding glass door open and stepped out into the cold. When I looked back inside, I saw that everyone was still sleeping which made me relieved.

"Sorry, you guys but that wolf needs me help and I can't let it die out here." I said softly as my eyes landed on Hoseok who was facing me. I closed the door, shivering slightly and ran off into the woods to find the injured wolf.

I knew that touching a wounded animal was going to be hard but I didn't want it to suffer, I couldn't just sit there and let it die. I've never been the type to just let something like this happen and not do my best to help, it's what made Taehyun and Soobin become close friends of mine. I looked down at the ground, searching for wolf prints. Coincidentally the training that I received from Taehyun and Soobin was beneficial, they wanted me to know my surroundings if I ever got lost in the woods so they taught me to forage for food and track animals. As I spotted some tracks leading me to where the wolf had run off, I heard a gunshot echo in the distance making me jump.

"Oh no... What if that could be some of Dad's men? No, they already left the area... What if it's the same person who injured that wolf? This is bad... This is really bad.. I gotta hide." I looked around, standing tall as I tried not to panic but when another gunshot rang I took off. Cold air hit my face as I ran, following the wolf's tracks, I had hoped that I could find it out here. My heart pounded in my chest as I continued following the tracks, when I spotted some blood stains which means I'm right on track. Something tells me that whoever injured the wolf is still tracking it, which means I need to get to the wolf first before they do.


As the gun shot rang out, Jin shot upright startled by the loud noise. Yoongi shifted when he felt Jin move, "Hyung, go back to sleep." He groaned sleepily, "I don't think I can.." Jin shook his head, he looked around and was relieved to see that everyone was here. But that changed when he noticed that someone in particular was missing, "Seo-jae?" Jin called, hoping that she was somewhere in the cabin but when he got no answer he panicked. He got to his feet and rushed into the hallway, checking the rooms for her but he still couldn't find her. Another gunshot rang out, this time waking up Yoongi and Hoseok. "What was that?" Hoseok rubbed his eyes sleepily, "A gun.." Yoongi answered, sitting up. His tail lazily swayed beside him as Jin came back into the living room, "Seo-Jae is not here." He said, "What do you mean she's not here?" Yoongi looked back at Jin, "Did you check the bathroom?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes, I checked all of the rooms! She's not here!" Yoongi threw the blanket off of him, covering Jimin with it and stood to his feet, he noticed that her shoes were gone.

"Whose not here?" Namjoon asked, he had been woken up by the three talking. "Seo-Jae.. She's gone." Namjoon immediately sat up, looking distressed as he looked around the room for her. He sniffed the air to find her scent, "Her scent is faint.. She must have left ten minutes ago."

"She took medical supplies, her shoes are gone." Yoongi said. None of the boys realized that Jimin and Taehyung were listening to everything they were saying, they both had woken up after Namjoon had.

"What would she need medical supplies for? Her wound is closed up and healing just fine." Namjoon looked at Jin, who pinched the bridge of her nose. "There's no way she could have just left without any explanation. You saw how she was yesterday because she realized she was our mate!" Jin stated, "She didn't leave us like that. She would have taken a lot more supplies with her if she was abandoning us. And she's not that kind of person." Namjoon defended her, he didn't want to think that she could just abandon them. Not when she had gotten so close to them, not when he could tell that deep down she had accepted the seven of them as her soulmates.

"You don't know that for sure, Joon!"

"She wouldn't leave us like that after accepting to be our soulmate." Taehyung spoke up, turning eyes onto him and Jimin. "He's right. She wouldn't. Not unless she was doing it to protect us from her father. You know she's terrified of what he's capable of and she even said when we first met her that she didn't want him coming after us if he found her here." Jimin argued. "Jimin's right, Jin hyung. You know Seo-Jae wouldn't leave without a good reason. She is terrified of him and if anything, she probably thinks she's protecting us." Namjoon agreed. At this point, Jungkook was now awake and was confused about what was going on. "Hyung, what's going on?" He asked Taehyung, who sighed and looked to Namjoon for answers.

"Guys, I found a note." Hoseok turned attention onto him, "What's it say?" Yoongi asked.

"I know you're probably wondering where I am but please believe me when i say I'm not abandoning you. When I woke up I watched the snow fall and spotted a wolf outside, they looked injured so I went to help. It ran off so I'm following it. I'll be fine, I promise. Love you lots, Seo-Jae." Hoseok read, they looked at each other. "Wait, Seo-Jae took off on her own to help a stray wolf? What if it's a wild hybrid?" Jungkook looked at Namjoon and Hoseok in concern, "Looks like it." Yoongi sighed, leaning against the wall. "If it's wild hybrid, then she's in danger.." Jimin trailed off, he didnt want to think about what could possibly happen to her. Before anyone said anything, a scream echoed throughout the forest making everyone's blood run cold as they recognized that scream.

"Seo-Jae!" Taehyung immediately slipped on a coat and shoes, rushing out the back door despite the protests of his other mates.

"Tae, come back!!"

"Shit.." Namjoon went after Taehyung, Yoongi following after him.

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