18. Helping Each Other

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3rd person's pov

As Seo-Jae continued searching for the injured wolf, she heard talking nearby and panicked as she knew this wasn't going to end well. She couldn't tell if those men were her father's men or just some random assholes who were hunting down that injured wolf, either way, Seo-Jae knew that she needed to find that wolf before they did. There was something about that wolf when they locked eyes that reminded her of a dear friend she once had, who actually was a hybrid. Shaking all the other thoughts in her head away, she quickly made her way towards the bushes. Quietly following the trail the wolf left behind, it was a wonder to her why this wolf wasn't being more cautious especially since it was being chased. She found more tracks leading out further and was just about to run out into the open when she heard someone speaking. Panicked, Seo-Jae looked around for somewhere to hide and found a hiding spot. She immediately sunk down behind a large boulder and kept her mouth shut, her pounding loudly against her chest. "That damn hybrid couldn't have gotten far.." A man's voice spoke, from the way he sounded, it seemed like he was irritated. This young man stood about 5'10" in height, he had dark brown hair that went down to his ears and small gray eyes. He was very well built and in great shape for his age, most women would think so anyways. He wore a dark vest with a white shirt, black pants and combat boots to fit the whole vibe. He was particularly irritated that the wolf they had been hunting down was still alive out there, he had only injured it. "How could you let him get away like that, Chris?!! He wasn't even supposed to be out!" Chris looked at his younger friend, irritated that he was blaming him for something he had no control over. This young man was an inch shorter than him, he had dark brown eyes, chestnut colored hair and was broad shouldered. Seo-Jae moved slowly as to not make any noise, she peeked over the boulder to see who was talking. She was relieved to find that these men weren't a part of her father's team but it made her even more alert, she could tell that these two were nothing but trouble. She sunk back down, leaning against the boulder and made no noise continuing to listen to them.

"Oh, so this is my fault, huh? I'm the one who let him get away, right? What about you? You're the reason he was out in the first place, Ryan. Don't blame me for your stupidity!" Chris argued.

Seo-Jae looked around, hoping to find a way to get to the wolf without them spotting the tracks. "What are we going to tell Dad when he finds out?!" Ryan argued, "He's not going to find out that we lost him because we're going to find him! There are wolf tracks going that way." Chris pointed to the tracks in the snow, when Ryan looked down, he smirked and then realized there was another set of footprints nearby. "Chris, we have another set of prints. And they look smaller than a man's." Ryan whispered, "You think.." Chris started, "There must be a girl out here somewhere.. I'd say.. She went off that way." Ryan whispered and the two slowly started following Seo-jae's tracks.

Seo-Jae knew that something wasn't right when it went silent, her nerves started to get the better of her and she moved, breaking a branch in the process. Seo-Jae froze in her spot, closing her eyes and tried not to panic as both Ryan and Chris cornered her. "Ah, ah.. Chris, lookie at what we have here." Ryan smirked as he looked down at Seo-Jae. It was at this moment that the injured wolf had come out of hiding, he watched as the two idiots that had been hunting him now had their sights on a girl. Though he was relieved about the attention being taken off of him, he started to worry about the human girl. He had recognized her as the one he saw back at the cabin belonging to the Bangtan pack, friends of his though he hardly interacted with them. He stood off at a distance watching them when he noticed the scent coming off of her, that's when it clicked that she had been marked by the leader of the Bangtan pack.

".... Is it possible that she could be their last mate? They talked about it a while ago that they were looking for their last soulmate." The wolf thought to himself.

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