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Regulus remembers the day that Sirius first left for Hogwarts very vividly. Freshly ten years old, and Sirius almost twelve, Regulus clung to Sirius' hand like a vice. He didn't want him to leave Regulus. How was he meant to spend a year by himself with their parents? Sirius was always there to protect him, to hug him after their parents locked him in a closet for a full day, to talk him through the nightmares of having Imperio used on him for days on end. It hadn't fully hit Regulus that he'd be on his own until they were at the station, waiting for the train.

"Sirius, I..." He whispers, his voice so soft and sweet, but wavering with pure terror.

"Reggie, you need not worry. I know it'll be hard but I'm going to write to you every week, and if it gets so bad that you want me, just go to Andy's house by floo. Okay?" Sirius whispers, brushing Reg's curls off his face.

"I don't want you to go." Regulus cries, tears falling down his face.

Sirius looks at him with pained eyes. Seeing his little brother upset makes him so inexplicably miserable. He wishes he didn't have to leave him.

"I know, sprout, but it'll go by quicker than you think. Just remember everything I told you." Sirius says meaningfully.

Don't get up to walk around after dinner. Don't talk back to Mother no matter what. Work hard at your studies. Don't talk to Father if he's been drinking the light brown liquid.

Regulus goes through these steps in his mind as the train arrives. Regulus can't help the tears that fly freely, as he clings even tighter to Sirius.

"Don't–don't go, please." He whispers wetly, the tears blurring his vision.

Sirius' eyes soften and he crouches down to hold his little brother as tight as he can. Regulus can hardly breathe, but he hugs him even tighter. He can feel even now that this is an end to something.

"I love you. I'll write as soon as I get there, alright?" Sirius muffles into Regulus' hair.

"Okay. I love you, too." Regulus mumbles.

"Alright, Sirius, enough. Time to get on the train." Orion says haughtily. "We expect you back for Christmas. Do not disappoint us."

"I'll try my hardest," Sirius quips, a snark in his voice.

Walburga raises her hand to strike Sirius, but Regulus holds onto it with pleading eyes. She stares down at her younger son and promptly yanks her hand away, stepping to turn away.

Sirius pats Regulus' head one last time, turning away to get on the train. Regulus sees a boy with the craziest hair he's ever seen approach Sirius, then. They shake hands and get on the train together, making Regulus' heart drop. He's already replaced him.

Regulus continues to stand there, even as his parents are pulling him away. He's starting to make a scene, but he just wants to see the train leave. Sobs are making it hard for him to breathe, but he continues looking for Sirius in the windows.

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