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Classes start as they always do. James has been trying to get Regulus's attention every day, multiple times a day. He sends him chocolate, gifts, notes, all of it. It's met with violence every time. He's starting to feel a little hopeless. He wants Regulus so badly and he doesn't know how to show him that he's not joking. Every morning he sends Regulus a note shaped like a stag, all of them detailing his intents and affections towards the Slytherin. Regulus burns them every time. He does read them first, at least. That's the silver lining in his dark cloud that keeps him going and sending the letters every morning.

He's pondering what he should write next one afternoon as he enters his dorm.

"Pete! I need you to console me about the Regulus thing." James says, giving Peter a desperate look.

Peter looks up distractedly from his book, giving James a flat look.

"Alright. What's the problem?" Peter asks with a skeptical and slightly exasperated look.

"I'm trying so hard! How do I show him I'm serious?" James wails, flailing back on his bed.

"Well, I'm Sirius for one, mate. And two, give him time and maybe a bit of space. Reggie hates being crowded. He likes his personal time." Sirius chimes in, his entrance loud and dramatic per usual.

"I like him a lot." James whines.

"I know. And he likes you, too. He'll come around, Prongs. Try not to worry too much about it, yeah?"

"But that's all I do! I'm a worry wart." James says with a frown.

"That's the fucking truth." Peter mutters, his attention back on his book.

James shoots him a betrayed look, to which Peter gives a sly grin. He dutifully gets up and plops himself on the other side of James, ruffling his hair.

"Let's figure out our first prank of the school year instead. Take your mind off your little prince." Peter suggests.

"Alright." James agrees easily, his spirits instantly lifted.


Regulus is very talented at Potions. And because of this, he is Slughorn's favorite student, naturally. Also due to this, he is allowed to take the 7th-year Potions class, along with Pandora. Their next course will be an Advanced NEWT's Potions, to which only a select few will get to take. Regulus and Pandora are selected, as well as two Hufflepuff's that Regulus isn't familiar with, and a Gryffindor.

Regulus had brought it up to Slughorn the year before and he agreed with no hesitation, instantly keen to allow students to further their knowledge in Potions. So, that's how Pandora and Regulus find themselves in class with Sirius and all of his twat friends. Regulus finds himself wishing he could sink into the floor and never come out, but he has to brew Amortentia first.

"Hello, students, good afternoon. Today we will be brewing Amortentia. This is a very powerful potion that should be created with care. Before we start, does anyone want to give a brief definition of Amortentia?" Slughorn asks.

Regulus raises his hand and Slughorn gives a delighted smile.

"Regulus Black, my star pupil! Go ahead, son." Slughorn says with a kind smile.

Regulus cringes at that, wishing Slughorn could just act normal. He sees Sirius snickering at him and stealthily flips him off. James lets out a loud snort when he catches his middle finger pointed at his brother. Regulus fights a smile threatening to break out on his face.

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