Gryffindor vs. Slytherin

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Before Regulus realizes it, the first quidditch game of the season is upon him. Not to mention it's Gryffindor vs Slytherin, so there's extra pressure.

Ever since the scene James caused in the Great Hall, people have been hounding him and asking if they're dating. Usually, he answers with a hex or simply flipping them off, but it's happening so often that Regulus might pull his hair out. His anxiety is higher than usual, and he vehemently reminds everyone that they're just friends.

Friend that you've fancied for all of five years. His subconscious reminds him, making him want to kick himself. Friends? What the fuck is he on about?

But James Potter is the reason Regulus felt invisible for so long and now he's the reason everyone is paying attention to him out of nowhere. It's strange contrast that Regulus is not used to.

Not to mention that he's been mercilessly picked on for being gay because the students of Hogwarts all share one unanimous brain cell that is only ever used by Regulus himself. The rumors spreading about him, and James have worsened the hexes and nasty whispers, adding to Regulus's distaste for leaving his dorm.

So, he's not exactly thrilled about this game where the entire school will be watching him, to say the least.

He's getting ready in the locker rooms when he hears voices talking in the showers.

"Potter's going down. We can't take Black down as he's on the team, but we can hurt him through Potter. Everyone's saying they're some kind of disgusting couple." Mulciber is saying.

Regulus's fists clench. Where the fuck was this idiot going with this? He thinks to himself, leaning closer to listen.

"You know the plan. Do it." Mulciber says, and Regulus moves out of the way when he hears footsteps coming.

Avery walks by with a determined look. Oh, those twats were in for it.


"You look a little out of place, love," Lily informs Pandora, who's decked out in Slytherin gear while standing in the Gryffindor section with Lily.

"Well, one of us has to be out of place and people already think I'm weird," Pandora says with an unbothered smile.

Lily chuckles and grabs Pandora's hand. Their relationship has been a little strange since the Amortentia fiasco in Potions. Lily had smelled Pandora and didn't know how to feel. Pandora hasn't been acting weird, but Lily feels awkward now. She's liked girls before, but with Pandora it's different. She's her best friend, how could they be something more?

So, everything has essentially stayed the same. They've always been cuddly and hold hands constantly. They just haven't taken that final step. And Merlin, Lily wants to. She wants to so badly. But she's not sure of Pandora's feelings. It's torture, really, not knowing whether your best friend you fancy likes girls.

She's suffering in silence. At least she can hold Pandora's hand with no consequence.

Lily looks over and sees Dorcas coming to their section, covered from head-to-toe in Gryffindor clothes. Lily finds it amusing, and notes that Dorcas has on one of Marlene's old Quidditch tops, the back splattered with "McKinnon" in big gold letters.

"Hey, sweets," Dorcas says to Pandora, kissing her cheek sweetly.

"Dorcas, you are in Slytherin, right?" Lily asks, an amused smile on her face.

"Oh, yes, but I'm supporting Marls." She says with flushed cheeks.

"Oh, wonderful!" Lily says, not totally sure if Marlene and Dorcas are together yet, deciding not to ask.

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