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Regulus stands there for Merlin knows how long, chest heaving. The spot James had just been in is empty and Regulus is so confused. His brain is cloudy, and his body swaying. It hits him all at once then, the dancing, the kiss, James running away. Was it actually real? He needs to find Sirius.

Sirius, Sirius, Sirius, is the only thing he can think as he walks through the pub. Everything is too loud, too bright. He's coving his ears as he walks through the dance floor. Finally, he finds Sirius leaning on Remus, and Peter is talking to them.

"Sirius!" Regulus cries, feeling tears forming.

Sirius turns around and spots Regulus, concern painting his features. He moves to meet Regulus halfway, practically catching Regulus as he grabs onto Sirius, tears falling.

"I'm ready to leave, grand frère." Regulus chokes out.

"Okay, okay. On te ramène à la maison, ma petite étoile." Sirius says, his voice sounding suddenly sober.

Regulus is still crying, especially at the nickname Sirius used. It's a name they used to call each other as kids. It gives him a painful feeling of longing even though Sirius is right there.

Sirius wraps an arm around Regulus and leads him out, the other boys following a few feet behind them. Regulus leans into Sirius's shoulder, breathing in the familiar scent. No matter where he lives, Sirius always smells the same. It's a familiar comfort.

"What happened, Reggie? The last time I looked, you were dancing with James. I thought you were having fun." Sirius asks.

"I messed up, I think. James left." Regulus slurs. "Sirius, there's something wrong with me. Everyone I love always leaves."

"What do you mean, bud? I'm right here."

"But you left first."

Sirius sucks in a harsh breath. He looks behind them and gestures for the other two to keep going before he gently grabs Regulus's shoulders and makes him sit down on the curb.

"Reggie, my leaving had nothing to do with you, alright? I wasn't trying to leave you at all. I honestly needed to get away from our parents. I mean, they were cursing me every single day, and Mother most likely would've killed me if I'd stayed any longer."

Regulus nods, his eyes unfocused.

"I get it, I really do. And I'm so glad you're here now. I just wish you'd offered to take me with you when it happened. I think that's why it still hurts because you left and didn't think I'd want to come with you. And now you call Effie 'Mum', and you have this whole new family and I feel left behind." Regulus rambles.

Sirius stares at him, eyes glassy.

"You're right. I didn't think to ask you. I'm sorry, Reg. I'm sorry that you had to live with them alone, and that I made you feel like you weren't still my family. Effie and Monty and James are my family, but you're my brother. My blood. I would choose you every single time, alright?"

Regulus feels tears coming again and he leans back into Sirius's neck. Sirius pulls him into a tight hug, squeezing so hard that Regulus can barely breathe.

"I'd choose you too." Regulus whispers.

They sit there for a long time.


Remus finds James sitting out by the lake. It's chilly and James still has on the clothes he wore to the pub. Remus quietly approaches, sitting down next to him in the grass.

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