The Trial

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Regulus, Sirius, James, Effie, and Monty are all sitting in a court room in the Ministry. Regulus is fidgeting with his fingers, wishing he could be anywhere but here. He spots Narcissa and Bellatrix sitting in the stands in the room, and they give him encouraging waves. He attempts a weak smile but doesn't fully manage it. They're waiting for Walburga and Orion to come out so they can start this dreaded trial. He would rather take a slicing hex to the eye than have to see his parents again, but this is all in the name of sentencing them to Azkaban for the rest of their lives, which Regulus really does want.

Effie notices Regulus's fidgeting and sets a gentle hand over his. He looks up to meet her kind gaze and she holds his cheek. Her eyes shift to Sirius and she heaves a tired sigh.

"Remember, boys, you are the victims here. Do not feel pressured to talk to your parents or answer questions that make you uncomfortable. We're going to be here the whole time." Effie says, reaching over to squeeze both brother's hands.

They nod wearily, hearing the doors open suddenly as their parents enter. Regulus sucks in a sharp breath. Magical bonds hold their hands behind their backs as they're escorted by Aurors to the stand, but they look as polished as ever. Walburga looks over and scowls at Regulus, most likely trying to curse him silently. He holds her stare with a blank look, entirely unamused.

"Alright, everyone rise." The Minister says.

They oblige and go through the magical protocols. Regulus barely listens, starting to disassociate. James notices his far-off look and gently takes his hand. Regulus snaps out of his reverie to give him a small smile. His warm brown eyes pierce through Regulus's soul as he holds the gaze. There's a silent question in James's eyes, asking if he's alright. Regulus gives him a curt nod, squeezing James's hand. Regulus looks up and meets his mother's disarming stare. She looks positively furious, and her eyes are focused on Regulus's hand in James's. He feels a slight rush of satisfaction at her fury and sends a small smirk in her direction.

The trial starts with Walburga being questioned, then Orion. They recount the day Regulus was tortured, Walburga dodging the accusations of trying to kill Regulus. He scoffs as she tried to make herself out as the good guy, shaking his head at her audacity. She makes herself to be a parent merely issuing a fair punishment to her child, even trying to plea that she loves Regulus and would never do anything to harm him. Regulus can't help the scoff that comes out of his mouth when she says that. Walburga looks up and glares harshly.

Bella and Narcissa are called up as witnesses, both of them saying how Regulus was Crucioed and very nearly killed with the killing curse before they stepped in to disarm Walburga.

"It's really shameful how she treats her sons. I will admit that this is not the first time I'd heard about her mistreatment, but it was the first time I witnessed it happen. I can say wholeheartedly that both of those boys should never be placed in their care ever again." Narcissa says calmly, entirely graceful and poised as she sits up at the stand.

Regulus feels his heart warm and glances over at Sirius, who looks like he might cry. Bellatrix says essentially the same thing as Narcissa, though she slips in a few insults for his parents. It makes Regulus grin ever so slightly, and she sends him a wink as she makes her way back to her seat.

Sirius goes up next, giving a description of his childhood life. He tells them how his parents would starve them and lock them in cupboards for days at a time. He says how they used Unforgivables with no remorse on regular occasions. How they disowned him and that he had to flee and seek refuge with the Potters. It's difficult for Regulus to listen to, their childhood trauma bared out for everyone to see. It especially hurts because his parents don't look the least bit regretful.

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