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It's the last day of term. Regulus has been basically living in the library for the past week in preparation for exams and they're all finally finished. He's not even sure how he's still awake at this point. He got probably three hours of sleep every night this week.

Currently, he's lying in Evan's lap with his eyes closed at the edge of the lake. They just took their last exam, Potions, and decided to sit out here for a while.

"Are you nervous?" Evan asks him suddenly.

"Yes," Regulus answers honestly.

"I wish you didn't have to go back," Evan says mournfully.

"You know better than anyone that I don't have a choice." Regulus murmurs.

"I know. It's just shitty."

"It'll be alright."

Regulus is aware that he's lying. It's not going to be okay. His parents have failed to speak to him once since he was outed by Mulciber, which is a sign in itself. They're purposefully staying silent to make him sweat.

It doesn't help that there's going to be a family dinner with everyone in two weeks. All Blacks will join at Regulus' house to talk about blood purity and probably marry off more of the cousins.

He's not sure how he's going to do it. His whole family has heard by now, he's sure. Lucius will probably give him a hard time, but he's most nervous about Bellatrix and Narcissa. They usually made the family gatherings better, but he's not sure they'll be nice to him after hearing the news. Thinking about it makes him feel ill, so he's ignoring it.

But Regulus blinks and they're on the train home. Regulus has been silent the whole trip and his friends can't think of anything that will lift his spirits. He looks as though he's approaching the gallows, and he isn't too far off.

The train ride goes by quickly and Regulus is suddenly stepping onto the platform. He spots his parents and starts walking toward them when a hand stops him. He turns around and comes face-to-face with James.

"Please, remember what we talked about before, yeah? Any trouble, come to me. We will take care of you." James says, his eyes meaningful and deep.

"Okay." Regulus nods.

"Promise?" James holds out his pinky.

Regulus can't help but laugh. James is making him pinky promise him. Could he get any more juvenile? Regardless, he hooks his pinky in James's and utters a noncommittal,


Then he's walking away, waving goodbye to his friends. Walburga's face is neutral, which sends a spike of fear down Regulus' back. Orion is sluggish on his feet, which means he's been drinking.

This is going to be a great summer holiday.


James feels like he's dying. He's been in a constant state of anxiety since they got home because he hasn't heard from Regulus at all. Even though he promised he would write to James every day. He has a gut feeling that his parents have something to do with it. James is praying that Regulus is okay.

"Prongs? What's wrong?" Sirius asks, coming to sit in the grass beside James.

They're out by the lake that's in the Potter's backyard. Their manor is big and luxurious, but to James, it's just home.

"I'm worried about Regulus. It's been two weeks and he's said nothing." James says, running his hands through his wild hair.

"I know. I'm worried too. I feel like something really bad is happening." Sirius says, his face pale.

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