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Pandora is beyond concerned. She came to Reggie's dorm last night when she realized that he was gone and found him sobbing in his bed. The sight broke her heart, and she ended up staying with him through the night.

She's sitting with him on his bed now as he leans on her shoulder silently. He still hasn't explained why he's so upset but she has a gut feeling it has to do with James. They'd been so happy at the ball last night and suddenly he's crying alone in his room. She's not quite sure what to do.

"Reggie? Do you want to talk about it? I can go fetch us some food and bring it back here, if you'd like?" Pandora asks gently, stroking his hair.

He gives a weak nod, and she kisses his head before standing to rush to the Great Hall. She needs to talk to Lily.

She finds her sitting with her roommates at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. Pandora makes a sharp turn and hurriedly walks over to them. She sits down next to Lily, giving her a quick kiss before addressing the rest of them.

"I need help. Regulus has been crying since last night. Have any of you heard from James at all?"

Marlene looks up, a devastated look on her face.

"He was crying too. Came into the common room an absolute mess. Sirius made us all leave after that, and they haven't come out."

Pandora sighs, rubbing her forehead. Her anxiety is high, worry for Regulus putting a strain on her body. How did they get in a fight so quickly? She wishes that Regulus would just tell her what happened so she could help him.

"This is not good." She groans.

"What should we do?" Lily asks, grabbing Pandora's hand.

"Try to get ahold of James. Make sure he's alright. I have no idea what's happened, but I'm sure it was a misunderstanding. I mean, they love each other so much." Pandora says.

The other girls nod in agreement. Pandora starts packing up as much food as she can take, then bids them all goodbye.

"I'll find you later. Hopefully Reggie will have talked by then." Pandora says, squeezing Lily's hand one more time, then turning and walking out.


"Prongs? Will you please tell me what's got you so upset now?" Sirius begs when James finally wakes up after crying himself to sleep.

James heaves a deep sigh, sitting up in his bed. Sirius, Remus, and Peter are at the foot, looking at him with deep concern. His head is fucking pounding from a hangover, as well as congestion from crying himself to exhaustion. His mind is scattered, all the pieces separated in a jumble in his mind. He scrubs at his forehead, trying to organize his memories and thoughts.

"Regulus and I may have broken up. I'm not sure. It-it's my fault." James admits sadly.

Sirius stands up and sits at James's side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. James leans on his shoulder gratefully, feeling beyond defeated. He'd just gotten Regulus, how had he let him slip away so easily?

"What happened?" Sirius asks gently.

"Well... when all of us were going to the kitchens, I lost Reggie and went to look for him and when I found him, he was... kissing Mulciber."

"Mulciber? The one who outed him to the whole school and ruined his apprenticeship? That Mulciber?" Sirius looks beyond confused.

"Yes. And then I was so upset because you were talking about how many people Regulus has slept with and we'd just slept together so I... I insinuated that he cheated and was a bit of a slut." James closes his eyes with shame.

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