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After his conversation with James, Regulus is avoiding him like the plague. His mind is all scrambled, and he isn't quite sure how to feel. He and James had snogged. Like, full-on, proper snogged. Though things weren't too weird for them in person, Regulus always has this strange feeling in his stomach. He's aware that he's most of the problem. James is open with his feelings for Regulus; but Regulus can't help but pull back.

"Reg, he's beyond smitten with you. Any time you enter the Great Hall his head perks up like a dog with its owner." Dorcas says with a sly grin, running her hands through Regulus's hair.

"Yes, yes, we all know that he likes me but... what if he doesn't really mean it? What if he's just taking the piss, or he just pities me?"

"Why would he do that?"

"He's James. The guy who made my adolescent years hell. And the guy who'd endure just about anything to make others around him happy even if he has to sacrifice his own happiness to do it. I'm aware that he's not as much of a little as he used to be, but sometimes I feel like he's moving too fast, you know?"

"Reggie, maybe you should let things move fast. It's hardly fast for you, seeing as you've been in love with him for five years. Plus, that bloke is chasing after you even after you haven't outright told him that you fancy him. You never told him about the Amortentia, and from what you've told me, didn't ever respond to any of his confessions with your own. From his perspective, you may not even like him at all." Dorcas says with raised eyebrows.

Regulus sputters, his heart racing suddenly.

"No. That couldn't be true. I'm so bloody obvious, he'd have to be stupid not to notice."

"But he is stupid! How many times have we all called him a daft twat? Guys?" Dorcas asks, trying to get the others engaged in the conversation.

Evan and Barty are making out in the corner and Pandora is studying across from them, not listening to a word. Dorcas huffs out a sigh and turns back to Regulus.

"Listen, babe. Just go on the date with him. Call it whatever you want, a hang out with a friend, a date with the love of your life, I don't really care. Just give the poor guy a chance, and see what happens, yeah?" Dorcas practically pleads.

Regulus bites his lips, finally relenting with a small nod. Dorcas releases a relieved breath, immediately standing up to leave.

"Thank Merlin for that. If you don't mind, I'm going to go shag my fit girlfriend." Dorcas says, not waiting for a response.


"I cannot listen to another one of their relationship issues, I swear to fucking Godric. It's driving me up the wall." Mary grits out as she hears Dorcas relay her conversation she had with Regulus to Marlene and Lily.

It didn't help that she'd already heard James's side of the story. She didn't see what else there was to be done than for the two of them to just shag and be happy together.

"I know. It's like they're running in circles around each other." Peter complains from across the table they're sharing.

Peter has become a close friend to Mary in this past year. The two of them are constantly forced together, especially now that they're entire friend group is dating each other, and Mary and Peter have been left alone. What better company than each other?

"You know, Pete, you're alright." Mary says with a bright smile.

"You think so? I think you're lovely, too." Peter lights up.

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