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Remus has been counting down the days until he could see Sirius and James again since he first got home. His summer has been alright, he's mainly been helping his mother in her garden and reading by the water. His first full moon had been rough, the new scars on his body would say so. It's always dreadful without the other boys.

So, he's buzzing with excitement when he steps into the Potter's living room. James and Effie are sitting there on the couch and James pops up and tackles Remus in a hug the second he sees him.

"Moony! How's your summer been, mate?" James asks, picking up Remus's bags.

"Not too bad. My mum says thank you for letting me stay, Mrs. Potter. Also thank you from me, too." Remus smiles shyly at her.

"Of course, dear. You can call me Effie, you know." She says with a teasing smile.

Remus nods, knowing he fully would not call her that.

"Come on, everyone else is outside. Pete got here a couple of hours ago." James says, leading Remus outside.

James sets Remus's stuff down and pulls him outside. Remus can make out a few swimming figures in the lake. He thinks he sees Sirius and feels his heart flutter. Until he realizes that the familiar black curls are significantly shorter than usual, and Remus's eyes widen.

"Is that...?" Remus says, realizing that it was indeed Regulus Black.

"Oh, shit. Yes, it's Reggie. He had some... issues at home and is staying here now. I forgot to tell you." James says sheepishly.

"Was it their parents?"

"Um, yeah. I think you should ask one of them about it. It's not my place to say." James says, his face turning gravely serious.

Remus knew it must've been bad because it's not often that James can't make things into a laugh. So, Remus just nods and continues toward the boys. He does actually spot Sirius then, who's making a fool out of himself per usual.

To Remus's horror, Sirius turns into Padfoot to shake his fur onto Regulus.

"Padfoot, what the fuck are you doing?" Remus sputters.

Padfoot turns back to Sirius, who has a delighted smile. He runs to hug Remus tightly, and Remus reluctantly hugs him back.

"Reggie knows about all of us, Moony. It's alright. He's good at keeping secrets." Sirius pats Remus on the head.

"Hey there, Moony." Peter smiles from the water.

"Hi, Pete. Regulus," Remus nods his head at them.

Regulus nods back, swimming away from them. Remus understands. All of them together are quite overwhelming. Remus finds himself wanting to do the same thing often.

"So, Moony, how do you feel about going to a pub later?" Sirius asks, leading Remus over to the edge of the lake, sitting down, and dragging Remus with him.

Remus obliges and sits down, rolling his pants up to set his feet in the water. He feels a little exposed, only wearing linen pants and a thin t-shirt, when he usually wore multiple layers to hide his scars. He wasn't as insecure about them as he used to be, but he didn't like new people staring. However, he doesn't get the impression that Regulus is the staring type. It sets him at ease.

"A pub? Why?" Remus furrows his eyebrows.

Pubs are fine, but not exactly Remus's favorite place. He could buy alcohol now, though, as he just turned 18. Sirius has had a fake since he was 14 and somehow has managed to get away with it for 3 years. It'll be more ideal with Remus being legal, though.

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