Yule Ball

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If Mary sees one more happy fucking couple prance around Hogwarts, she might lose her goddamn mind. Everywhere she turns, James and Regulus, another corner, Lily and Pandora, and don't get her started on Marlene and Dorcas. They shag in her dorm constantly. She's happy for them, but also jealous. Not to mention that she has Peter following her around like a kicked puppy because his mates are always out with their boyfriends. It's sad, really.

Therefore, Mary and Peter have started shagging. Fuck if she's not sexually frustrated all the time, seeing everyone around her sucking each other's faces off 24/7. It's annoying. And Peter is always with her, so she proposed the shagging thing to him, and he was more than happy to go along with it.

Mary would never admit this to anyone, but Peter's cock is huge. Like, seriously, freakishly huge. The first time Mary saw it her eyes almost popped out of her head. And he's also disturbingly good at shagging. It's fucking infuriating. All she wanted was a friends with benefits type of situation, and now she's horny every second of the day and shagging Peter any chance she gets.

She really wants to shag him in Potions today. His hair is all sweaty from stirring the potion over the fire for a while, and his cheeks are flushed like they are after they shag. Mary can't take her eyes away. She's squeezing her quill so hard that it snaps in her hand.

"Oh, geez, Mary, you alright?" Lily asks from beside her, fishing out another quill for Mary to use.

"Thanks. Yes, I'm just a bit distracted." Mary says, trying to shake Peter from her mind.

"You're distracted a lot lately." Lily comments, giving Mary a curious look.

"Busy, I suppose." Mary shrugs it off.

"Hmm..." Lily says, clearly suspicious. Lily has always been too clever.

When class is dismissed, Mary books it out of there, trying to race back to the common room, but is stopped by a hand grabbing her elbow. She turns and faces Peter, who has a lopsided smile.

"Hey, Mar." He says, his cheeks still flushed.

"Hi, Pete." Mary chokes out, praying for something to get her out of this.

"Look, I know our... situation is private and that's fine, but the Yule Ball is in a few days, and I'd really like you to be my date." He says with that stupid, endearing smile.

Mary bites her cheek. She didn't not want to go with him. And it's just a dance. People go to dances with each other without dating all the time. It's completely normal.

"Sure. That sounds nice." Mary smiles.

"Great! Um, I was wondering if you had a little free time right now? For..." He gives her a pointed look that sends a thrill through her.

"Yes," She replies, grabbing him and locking them in a closet.


Regulus and James have not left each other's sides for days. James lazily brings up the Yule Ball one night while they're laying together and Regulus agrees, obviously. James did make sure to do a big grand gesture the next day, in James Potter fashion, with tons of flying paper stags spelling out "Yule Ball?"

Regulus finds it ridiculous. And endearing.

The day rolls around, and Regulus finds himself strangely nervous. They've been pretty public with their relationship, but this is the first official outing together as a couple. It thrills him as well as makes him sick.

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