5th year

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Regulus Black is not a generally nice person. He knows that. He is fine with that. He only lets his kindness come out when he's with his closest friends. He's grown to appreciate them so much, Barty, Evan, Pandora, and Dorcas. They know his insecurities, his self-esteem issues, and most importantly, his complicated relationship with his family.

He and Sirius haven't spoken for almost a full year now. After his little escapade last Christmas, Sirius ran away and never returned. Leaving Regulus for good. It was a small fight that Walburga turned into a huge row that Regulus is still paying the price for.


"Sirius, you cannot wear those disgusting muggle clothes. You are supposed to look like a Black, not a disgusting scum of the earth Muggle." Walburga screeched, following Sirius into his room. Regulus was standing in the hall, listening to their conversation.

"I can wear what I want, Mother. I have free will. You can't control every aspect of my life." Sirius snapped, getting his record player out and putting a record on. Regulus recognized it as Queen, from what little Sirius had played for him.

Walburga gaped, her face turning disgusted instantly.

"Is that... Muggle music?" She whispered.

"Yes, it is, Mother." Sirius said with a satisfied smile.

"Sirius Black, you listen to me now–"

"No, you listen to me. I'm not abiding by your fucking rules anymore. I'm so very sorry that I'm not the picture of Noble House Black, but you are frightfully deranged. The Potters have offered to let me stay with them now." Sirius spat.

"You are a disgrace! You shame this family every day with your little friends and pranks you so love. Look at Regulus, he is a Slytherin and associates himself with only the best families. You associate with werewolves and Potter's," Walburga says with disgust.

"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment, Walburga, but that's just not who I am. Go have your perfect little Regulus join your demented agenda."

"You–" Walburga is flaming with anger, you could physically feel it, "Crucio!" She shouted as Sirius started crying out.

"No!" Regulus exclaimed, running into Sirius' room to throw himself in front of his brother.

Sirius was trembling, his eyes half shut. Regulus grabbed his hand, tears forming in his eyes. Walburga abruptly stopped. Glared at both.

"You'd like to take his place, Regulus?" She asked, standing over them.

"Please, Mother, just stop," Regulus begged, completely covering Sirius who was violently twitching.

"You are both a disgrace. How can you love him when he acts how he does?"

"Because he is my brother!" Regulus cried.

"Not anymore. Sirius, you may go now. You've ruined this family enough as it is. You can go be a Potter like you've always wanted." Walburga said icily.

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