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Remus is good at Defense Against the Dark Arts. He's always been good at it. So, naturally, the professor had asked him to be a student assistant in the 5th-year Boggart lesson. Remus has flown past all his other pupils when doing Boggarts, as well as all the other spells they'd learned.

What Remus didn't realize was that Regulus is in the class. It didn't even cross his mind that he would be there. With a sharp inhale, he quickly looks away from the familiar head of black curls. How the fuck had he forgotten Regulus was a 5th-year? He wants to bang his head into the wall but, unfortunately, he must help teach this class.

The professor for this class is Professor Draynor, an older man who is on the quieter side. They have had different professors every year, as the position is cursed, as students say. Remus likes Draynor, he wishes he could stay for longer. But alas, he knows there will be someone new next year.

Draynor stands when all the students are settled and gives a gentle smile. The wardrobe behind him is moving slightly. Some students look at it wearily.

"Welcome, 5th years! Today, we will be studying the spell, "Ridikkulus". You will each have a turn to face the Boggart in the wardrobe and hit it with the spell. Now, before we start, does anyone know what a Boggart is?"

To Remus' surprise, Regulus raises his hand. He's never seen Regulus willingly speak in a group of people, but he supposes it's different for him because it's a class.

"It is an entity that takes the form of your greatest fear," Regulus says.

"Excellent! 5 points to Slytherin, Mr. Black!"

A very small grin breaks out on Regulus' face. Remus realizes that he doesn't think he's ever seen Regulus smile before. Usually, he sports a scowl or just a stoic face all the time. He has dimples when he smiles, and Remus strangely finds himself wishing he did it more.

"Alright, let's start with the wand movements, alright? Remus, you demonstrate." Draynor says.

Remus demonstrates the wand movement, stating the spell slowly so the students can see what he's doing. The students all practice a few times as Draynor watches and corrects them.

"Alright, now who wants to go first?"

Silence. Remus can't blame them. His worst fear is the full moon which can't be any more fucking obvious to others that he's a werewolf. But he wasn't eager to face the Boggart the year before and doubts anyone wants to.

"Hmm... Pandora, how about you give it a try?" Draynor suggests.

Pandora doesn't say anything but steps up to the wardrobe anyways. She inspects it for a few seconds, before nodding to Draynor.

"Here we go," Draynor opens the door and a figure flies out.

It takes a few seconds to form, elongating itself, and Remus slowly starts to realize the shape it starts taking. A dementor. He's only seen one a single other time. The feeling was enough to never desire to be in their presence again. He thinks that her fear is pretty justified.

Pandora's face tightens, as well as the grip she has on her wand. Remus takes a small step towards her, hoping to be a comfort due to her frightened face.

"Think of something funny. Something that doesn't frighten you. Then—" He does the spell movement again.

Pandora slowly nods, swallowing before slowly doing the motion. The dementor slowly shifts into a tiny black dog with a wildly wagging tail. Remus chuckles at the sight, thinking of Sirius in his animagus form. Padfoot used to look like the small dog in front of him.

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