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Barty and Evan have been inseparable for their entire lives. Even as little boys they hated going a day without seeing each other. And seeing as they live so close, it's never been hard to escape their homes and run off to be with each other.

This is exactly what they're doing now. Evan offered to let Barty stay with him over the holiday, but Barty's father wouldn't let him. So, they've resorted to sneaking off to snog at any chance they can. There's a gazebo fairly far away from both of their houses so their parents don't know where they are that they've been going to since they were kids.

Evan casts multiple heating charms around the gazebo, watching as snow falls around him. He hears the crunch of boots in the snow and turns to see the familiar brunette approaching.

"Hey." Evan says with a smile.

Barty doesn't reply, looking up at him with distraught eyes. Evan notices the bright purple bruise beneath Barty's right eye and rushes forward.

"What happened?" Evan asks.

"Father found out that we're rooming with Reg. He's not happy."

Evan squeezes his eyes shut. He could kill Barty's father.

"I'm so sorry, baby. Let me kiss it." Evan pulls him forward gently, kissing Barty's cheek lovingly.

"I'm not sure how much longer I can stand to live with him. He's expecting me to follow in his footsteps. Marry a girl right out of school, work for the Ministry. I feel like my life is all planed out and I can't do anything to stop it." Barty says, tears in his eyes.

"That's not true. Please, you can live with me. Mum loves you already, and if we explained, she'd take you in, no questions asked." Evan pleads.

Barty closes his eyes, shaking his head.

"It feels hopeless. I need my father's money, and I won't take charity from you or anyone else."

"We wouldn't be giving you charity. We'd just be giving you a safe place. A house to really feel like home." Evan says, squeezing Barty's hand. "And we both turn 17 before this year is out. We could move away somewhere, a flat or something."

Barty straightens up at that.

"You would do that?"

"Of course. And, who knows, maybe Reg and Dorcas and Pandora could live with us too." Evan shrugs.

"Yeah. That sounds nice." Barty says wistfully.

"Whatever happens, I'm with you, love. You tell me we're gonna kill your father, I'll be there with a bag for the body." Evan says seriously.

Barty laughs, leaning into Evan's shoulder.

"You're the best."

"I know. Now kiss me." Evan demands, pulling Barty in.

They chuckle and kiss for a long time.


Lily is showing Pandora muggle movies. Iridessa had gotten them a television and Lily showed them how it worked, and they've all been bundled up in the living room watching Christmas movies every night since. Pandora is especially fond of "It's A Wonderful Life", so they've seen it three times now. Iridessa makes them hot cocoa every night and they Lily sticks marshmallows in hers while Pandora likes whipped cream.

Iridessa had retired to bed about an hour before, so the girls are cuddled up on the couch together, watching "White Christmas". Pandora is running her fingers through Lily's hair, occasionally twisting it around. Lily is drowsy, the motion putting her to sleep.

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