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Regulus's nightmares are getting significantly worse since the family gathering. He's been waking up every night in a cold sweat, the pain of Crucio still lingering in his body. Every time he's gone to Sirius. He can't help it, it's just instinct.

That's what he's doing right now. His body is trembling, eyes puffy from crying in his sleep. He's not well. And he's opening the door to Sirius's room.

Sirius is dead asleep, loud snores ringing through the whole room. Regulus rolls his eyes at him, because of course he's still loud in his sleep. He walks over and slips into the bed, scooting close to Sirius. He stirs and sits up, waking up to see a disheveled Regulus.

"Another one?" He croaks, voice scratchy.

Regulus nods, unable to stop his lip from wobbling.

"Do you think they ever loved us?" He asks, his voice shaky and thick.

Sirius's expression clouds over, eyebrows pulling together.

"I don't think they have the capacity to love anything except their social status. And it's not our fault that they don't love us, alright?" Sirius says, looking intently into Regulus's eyes.

"But isn't it? We... did something wrong to make them like that. Isn't it supposed to be a parent's instinct to love their child? So, there must be something wrong with me to make them hate me so much." Regulus is fiddling with his hands.

"Reggie, that's not true in the slightest. Our parents are messed up. They have something wrong with them, and that's not your fault. It should be a parent's instinct to love and protect their child, and it shouldn't be on the kid to make that happen. But Effie and Monty have so much love to give, sprout. They love you already. You are loved by so many people."

Regulus nods. Sirius pulls him into a hug.

"Can I ask you something?" Regulus asks.

"Of course."

"Why did you ignore me? You didn't ever let me explain myself." Regulus asks.

Sirius's eyes shut tightly. Guilt and shame spread through his body.

"I guess I... I assumed that since you were in Slytherin like mother and father that you... were under their influence." Sirius admits.

"I tried so hard to be in Gryffindor. I begged the sorting hat to put me in but he said I was better suited for Ravenclaw or Slytherin. And I think I called him a name or something and the next thing I knew, I was in Slytherin."

Sirius huffs out a laugh.

"That does sound like you. And obviously, I know because you're in Slytherin that you're not like them. At all. I was just too stubborn to admit that I was wrong. And I think I was scared of losing you to them. But I lost you anyways, and it was all my fault. I regret that so much now, Reggie, I wasted so much time. I... I hate myself for how I treated you. And that I convinced the lads to ignore you, too, I mean... I can't imagine what it was like."

"It was awful," Regulus admits quietly. "You know, I really liked them. And I have this memory of trying to ask James about you and he brushed me off like I was nothing. Invisible."

"You're not invisible, Reg. You deserve to be seen. I'm so sorry I made you feel like you weren't." Sirius is crying again, Regulus is quiet.

"Sometimes it's easier to be invisible," Regulus remarks quietly.

"It shouldn't be. You should be the brightest and loudest person in the room. I want you to feel like you can be that. I mean, I'm always making a fool out of myself to be that, but when you're in the spotlight, you shine. Like when you're playing in a match, you glow. You're a star." Sirius says with a cheeky grin.

sometimes it's easier to be invisible Where stories live. Discover now