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Regulus wakes up in Barty's bed with his head resting on Barty's chest. He looks down and finds Evan laying across their legs with his cheek cuddled in Regulus' thigh. Heaving a deep sigh, he takes in this moment of peace with his friends before his day gets fucked up. Regulus moves his leg slightly which prompts Evan to stir.

Regulus opens his eyes fully and meets gazes with Snape. There's something in his eyes, a wariness, maybe disgust. He knew, Regulus realizes. Mulciber has probably told everyone by now.

Barty stirs and soon enough they're all staring at Snape. He looks frozen, not able to move, staring at the three of them squished together in one bed.

"It's true, then? You're gay? What is this, a throuple situation?" Snape asks, sounding bored.

"And what if it is?" Barty raises his eyebrows.

"I think I'd want to move out. I'm not being stuck in here while the three of you shag." He says, walking out.

"Well, fuck you, you cowardly prick!" Evan yells while Snape rushes out.

The three boys stare at each other for a second before bursting out with laughter. Despite everything, at least Regulus has his friends to help him through this.

"You alright, mate?" Barty asks, setting his hand on Regulus' shoulder.

"No. But I'm glad you guys are here."

"Hey, let's look on the bright side. We can all move in together now that Snape is moving out." Evan wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oi, you're right! Reggie, let's move you in." Barty says, jumping up and pulling a sweater over his head.

Regulus raises his eyebrows at Barty. He has on a Ravenclaw sweater that Pandora had given him with green pajama pants littered with broomsticks and snitches. He looks idiotic, to say the least.

"Come on, lads! Let's get Slughorn up off his arse to get you in here, Reg." Barty starts pulling them out of bed.

Regulus grabs one of Evan's jumpers and stuffs it over his head. Evan does the same and they all walk to Slughorn's office together. As soon as they walk into the common room, Regulus feels the judgmental looks from left and right.

It's unnerving. He's used to falling into the shadows, being invisible. Being the opposite now makes him feel sick.

"Ignore them, Reggie," Evan murmurs, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

They make it to Slughorn's office, and he ushers them in with a grave look on his face.

"Hello, lads. I've, um... heard some interesting news regarding you, Mr. Black." Slughorn says after he pours each of them tea.

"Is it the boggart or me liking blokes?" Regulus asks, completely unfazed.

"Well, uh– both, I suppose. Mulciber and Avery came to me last night and requested you to be removed from your dorm." Slughorn looks sympathetic.

"Well, that's perfect! We were about to ask you the same. Snape wants out of our dorm, so Reggie can move in with us." Barty says happily.

Regulus knew that this would happen when Mulciber had caught him the night before, but now it feels real. Slughorn confirming he knows that Regulus is gay and his roommates requesting for him to be removed. It's creating a tight feeling in his chest.

"Okay. I'll ask Mr. Snape if he's alright with the room change and your things will be moved by tonight, Mr. Black." Slughorn says.

Regulus nods and stands to leave, the other two right behind him.

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