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Regulus is hit with a violent burst of pain before his eyes even open. Fully on instinct, he turns over and vomits on the floor, shuddering helplessly.

"Reggie!" He hears his sick vanishing instantly.

Regulus finally opens his eyes to meet his brother. His body is filled with instinctual relief. He briefly forgets their history and enjoys Sirius being here with him. Then he remembers the last five years and tenses up, his face closing up.

"What happened?" Regulus asks, noticing James asleep next to his bed.

"You... you were tortured by mother. You came to the Potter Manor by floo, and we took you here. We're in St. Mungo's." Sirius explains, running his hand through Regulus's hair.

"Oh. Right." Regulus says, his memories coming back to him.

"Reggie, I am so sorry. I know I've said it before, but I am being completely honest here. I love you. I miss you. I want to be here for you always, and I'm never going to leave you again. You're family, and family always looks out for each other." Sirius says, tears falling down his face.

Regulus feels his throat closing up. He's finally hearing what he longed for so long. It only took him getting tortured for Sirius to say it.

"You don't know how long I've waited or you to say that" Regulus admits. "But I don't believe you."

Sirius's face crumples. Regulus tries not to let it affect him.

"My whole life, all I've ever done is love you. But you... you've always treated me like a chore, something holding you back from what you really wanted. Like I was invisible. But to me? To me you were everything." Regulus says, treacherous tears blurring his vision.

"You're not a chore. You're everything to me, too, sprout." Sirius's voice cracks.

Regulus whimpers involuntarily. Sirius hasn't called him that in years. His lip trembles, tears spilling out of his eyes. He wants to forgive Sirius so badly that it hurts.

"You hurt me, grand frère. J'ai été tellement perdu sans toi." Regulus sobs.

"J'ai été perdu sans toi aussi. Il m'a juste fallu du temps pour le comprendre." Sirius is crying harder.

Regulus is trembling. He doesn't forgive him yet, but he's still so glad that Sirius is here.

"Can we just hug for now?" Sirius asks with sad eyes.

Regulus nods. Sirius pulls him into a tight hug and doesn't let go for a long, long time. They're both crying and getting tears on each other, but neither mind. It's perfect.


James awakes to see Sirius squished in the hospital bed with Regulus, both of them talking furiously in french. Sirius rarely speaks the language, so he finds the sight strange. Walburga made the boys fluent in it at a young age, and he's heard Sirius speak it before jokingly, but they're having a full-on conversation now.

"What are you guys talking about?" James asks, yawning loudly.

Both brothers stop and look over at James. He's hit with their similarities, then. They have the same green eyes and wavy hair. Same startled expression. It's hilarious how alike they are in looks and facial expressions.

"Morning there, Prongs. Reggie and I were just talking about our lovely parents." Sirius says.

James nods. That's really all he needs to know. He sits up and examines Regulus.

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