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Marlene loves Hogsmeade. Ever since her third year, she's gone on every Hogsmeade trip. She doesn't know if she just enjoys the butterbeer or the sweets, or maybe just the atmosphere of the village, but she never lets anything get in the way of going.

"Marls, you ready to go?" Lily asks, fluffing her red hair off her shoulders.

Marlene smoothes down her blouse and checks everything is right in the mirror.

"I might just have to nick this from you, Lils. It's doing a number on me." Marlene says appreciatively to her reflection.

"Go ahead. I never wear it." Lily says, chuckling at Marlene's antics.

"You are a saint, Lily Evans!" Marlene declares, running and tackling Lily in a hug.

Lily is laughing heartily as Marlene kisses both of her cheeks.

"Oi, you two ready?" Mary pops her head in the door.

"Yes, yes, we're coming," Marlene grumbles, helping Lily up.

The three girls make their way to the common room and are immediately met by the bickering between Sirius and Remus. Marlene rolls her eyes almost instinctively due to the fact that those two were going at it every other second.

"For the love of Merlin, would you two shut the fuck up for one day?" Marlene groans, shooting Sirius a pointed look.

His closet is made of glass at this point. He's had a crush on Remus for so long that everyone in Hogwarts knows it. Sirius told Marlene about it last year, but he still insists to stay silent and miserable. Marlene finds it sad and a little pathetic, but she would never say that to him, he's too sensitive for that.

"Morning, Marls, how are you?" James says, wrapping an arm around her.

"Not too bad, lads. Are you all coming to Hogsmeade?" She says, ruffling James' hair.

"Yes, I believe so, right, mates?" James asks, looking at the others.

"Oi, I'm taking Moony here," Sirius says, wrapping Remus in a headlock.

"You fucking twat." Remus grumbles, not making any moves to escape Sirius.

"You two are just so precious," Marlene says sarcastically, shooting Sirius a teasing look.

Remus immediately flushes and Sirius lets him go with his eyes on the ground.

"Fuck off, Mckinnon." He says.

"Aww," She smiles.

"Right, let's go," Mary says, breaking the silence.

They all make their way to the Great Hall, stopping by the entryway. They're all chatting and waiting for McGonagall to arrive when Marlene spots Dorcas and her crew. Her heart involuntarily speeds up, and her hands start to sweat.

Dorcas is something else. She has glowing brown skin and wide eyes. Her hair is always done, and she smells like vanilla every day. She drives Marlene crazy.

"Marlene?" James nudges her gently.

"Sorry, distracted." She says sheepishly.

"Mm, distracted by what?" Sirius appears out of nowhere, with his eternally smug grin.

Marlene shoots him a sharp glare as Sirius smirks triumphantly.

"None of your fucking business, Black."

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