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James has not shut up about his date plans with Regulus all week. He's so proud and excited that he physically needs validation and praise from everyone. It's becoming increasingly difficult to not just tell Regulus everything. But he holds strong until Saturday.

James has his invisibility cloak and some other things packed away in his bag and fluffs his hair as he waits for Regulus to emerge from the Slytherin common room. After pacing for a few minutes, his favorite head of curly black hair emerges, and James's heart rate picks up.

Regulus has on a maroon jumper with black trousers. James might just faint at the sight. Regulus literally never wears any color. Ever. Always black. And now he's wearing James's signature color. It makes James want to swoon like in a cheesy romance.

"Wow, darling, you look lovely." James exhales, not able to take his eyes off Regulus.

Regulus's cheeks tinge pink and James has to refrain from snogging him senseless. This is technically their first date. Certainly it wouldn't be appropriate to snog him before.

"Thanks, James. You also look nice." Regulus mutters, clearly bashful.

"Thank you, my love. Alright, I've got a whole day planned for us so we should be off." James says, reaching for Regulus's hand.

James drags Regulus to his favorite statue. He triggers the opening and Regulus's jaw drops.

"What the fuck is this?" He asks.

"A tunnel," James smirks.

He drags Regulus down, the passage closing behind them. Regulus looks awestruck, obviously never having seen the tunnel before.

"Where does it lead?" He asks.

"Honeydukes," James replies.

They make it to the door, walking through the top floor of Honeydukes. James takes out his cloak and throws it over both of them.

"Alright, now be quiet because we have to sneak downstairs to the street," James whispers, pulling Regulus close so they're both covered.

Regulus's breath stutters when James wraps his arms around him. James smiles, resting his chin in the crook of Regulus's neck. He may have planned for this to happen so he'd have a reason to hold Regulus.

"You lead the way," James whispers.

"You did this on purpose, so you'd have an excuse to be close to me," Regulus grumbles, starting to walk forward.

"Right you are, Reggie," James says cheerfully.

Regulus huffs out petulantly and carefully makes his way down the stairs, entering the store. Both boys stay quiet and quickly make their way through the store, walking out of the open front door.

"Here, go in the alley so we can take the cloak off," James murmurs, nudging Regulus by the waist to turn.

They wait until no one is around and James slips the cloak off. He's met with the loveliest sight, Regulus, obviously flustered, his cheeks and neck flushed. James doesn't point it out but mentally savors the view. He wants to fucking throttle Regulus for being so damn cute. He looks so lovely when his cheeks are flushed like that.

"What's your big plan for today, prick?" Regulus mutters grumpily, effectively pulling James out of his reverie and putting a grin on his face.

"I thought I could take you to Tomes and Scrolls because I know you're a huge nerd who likes to read, and Three Broomsticks, of course. Then we can go back to the Black Lake and enjoy our treats and make out." James says happily.

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