006. fake boyfriend

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[ haechan & minji ]

meet me in the supply closet in 5

sounds hot

should i bring the handcuffs or you?😏

shut the fuck up lee and just hurry up

only bc you ask it so nicely🥰


the feud between minji and haechan was no joke and had existed for many years. all through elementary school, middle school, high school and now uni, the two have been each other's arch nemesis.
however, after the recent cheating incident, involving minji, she came to the conclusion that haechan was the only person who could help her out.

if there was one person in the world that haechan hated more than he hated minji, it was jeno. the rivalry between minji and him was nothing compared to the hatred he felt for him and visa versa.

the girl herself was, like the rest of the school, no stranger to this particular rivalry between her ex-boyfriend and her nemesis. in fact, during her relationship, the topic was brought up numerous times. jeno couldn't stand haechan. which was perfect for what minji had planned to get back at the former.

currently, she was peeking through the small gap of the almost closed supply closet door, waiting for haechan to arrive. it'd been five minutes precisely, since she sent him the text, so she expected him arrive any second. which he did.

quickly, but unnoticeably, the girl opened the door and grabbed his arm to yank him inside the closet. swiftly after that, she slammed the door shut.

not sparing any seconds, the girl told him what she wanted straight away. "i want you to do something for me, which may be beneficial to you as well."

of course, minji should've know better than to actually think that haechan would take this seriously, like he never took anything seriously. the nasty smirk that formed on his face already spoiled the fact that he would reply with some lame, perverted remark. which indeed, he did.

"baby, i thought you'd never ask." stepping a little closer to the girl, he pretended to undo his belt as an attempt to make her uncomfortable, but it only caused her to roll her eyes at him and push him away before continuing what she wanted to say.

"you hate jeno, right?" the answer to this question wasn't needed, as it was general knowledge that haechan and minji's only common ground was their mutual hatred.

"did you chop off my hair while i was sleeping in seventh grade?" in other words, his answer was yes.

"can't you ever take anything seriously?" minji asked, already pissed of by his annoying remarks.

instead of an actual answer, she was greeted with his familiar smirk that he used too often for her liking. "where's the fun in that?"

the girl sighed, knowing that if she kept asking him questions, they'd be in there for god-knows-how-long. it was always like this. she'd ask him a question to which she already knew the answer, and he'd just answer with an annoying or perverted comment. it was a never ending battle, really.

"look, i'll just get straight to the point." minji finally ignored his stalling by sticking to what she really called him in for. "i want to get back at my ex-boyfriend. and i know you hate him, so you're the only one who can help me."

she took a small breath before exposing the plan to him. "be my fake boyfriend."

her mind was racing, going through all the possible reactions haechan could give her. the look on his face wasn't helping either, since it was completely blank. suddenly a witty laugh escaped his mouth.

"you're out of your mind." he scoffed, poking his tongue into his cheek. haechan crossed his arms and formed a frown on his face. "also what makes you believe i'd ever help you?"

"just help me please, i'm kind of desperate here." minji pleaded, not knowing any other option than to team up with her worst nightmare. she knew, however, that it was a long shot.

until a grin appeared on his face, which could only mean that he was planning something in his head that wasn't in her favor. "and what do i get in return?" he asked as he leaned his shoulder against the closed door.

"nothing." she simply answered, catching him by surprise.

"and why would i do such a thing, with you, for nothing?"

"because i know that you," minji put on a crooked and slightly evil smile as she used her index finger to touch his chest, applying a little pressure, "have been wanting to get back at jeno as much as i do."

"and what better way to get back at my ex than pretending to date the one guy he can't stand."

she had a valid point. haechan had been wanting to get back at jeno for the longest time, so the deal was, needless to say, extremely tempting. still, he wanted to establish some ground rules before actually going through with it.

"what about rules?"

it shocked minji that he was actually considering the deal, not even nagging at her or calling her ridiculous for even thinking he would be her fake boyfriend.

"we'll both come up with a set of rules each of us has to follow." she suggested, which wasn't a bad idea at all, but the boy wasn't quite sold yet.

"let's make a contract first." he said, earning a chuckle from the girl opposing him.

"really, a contract?" she laughed, finding his idea a bit dramatic. but then again, this was haechan she was talking to. "why?"

"because i don't trust you. and i'm willing to bet all my money that you don't trust me either."

"valid point." she agreed, "so, what do you say, hyuck?"

"kang minji," the boy extended his right hand towards the girl, "will you be my fake girlfriend?"

"it would be my pleasure."

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